August 1, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Takin' A Load Off...

Hi, Everybody!

This week, I decided I wanted you to see just how easy it is to kick outta gear around the farmhouse. Take a load off, as it were. There's been an overabundance of runnin', barkin', and general nonsense around here lately, so a guy's gotta grab a few zzzzzzzs whenever possible.

Mom and Dad drink their mornin' coffee on the porch and decide what the new day holds for them. While they're chewin' the fat, Claudette, Crystal, the Black Dogs and I like to take a timeout. It works well for us.

One of Mom's nicknames for me is her little "furry Vienna sausage". Don't start. If I had any pride, I'd be offended. As it is, I think it's kind of endearin'. Don't tell her I said that though, 'cuz I usually don't flinch a single muscle when she calls me that.

She also likes my feet. She calls my foot pads "toe beans". Beats me. I've got absolutely no idea what that even means.

Mom tried to get a photo of me with Claudette (see her on the chair?), but look who photobombed me! That Carly-dog is gettin' cuter by the minute. Don't worry. Bella. You're still the WMBBD. I'd love to juse sit and chat with you for the next hour, but there's a practice nap waitin' for me.
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. Looks like a relaxing time for all!
    I love your furry toes, Tag.
    Carly is a pretty girl.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      It was real nice until Mom looked at those furry toes and decided that my nails needed to be trimmed. Not so much fun, but once again, I survived the torture. Carly's cute enough, but I'm not tellin' her. It always goes to her head.

  2. That looks like a pretty idyllic life Tag. Hangin' out on the porch with your family has to be pretty much the best there is.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      I think you're right. A fresh bowl of cold water, a cool breeze, and an occasional snack. There's nothin' better.

  3. What a great way for your family to start the day.
    You have this perfected Tag.
    Have a great week.

  4. Sherry of createology: I like the way you and the family begin the day. Relaxed and ready. I like your practice nap idea. Mom certainly has the endearing nicknames for you Tag. Smooches…


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Blessings, Donna