August 30, 2023

New In My Shop...

Nothing better than to have a little love potion to brighten your day. 
Amortentia is the name used in a particular wizarding movie series of which I'm quite fond. You know the one.
Add a little sparkle here and...

there to make you smile. 
The swirling liquid is actually more pink than peach, and when you shake it, there's a lovely gold tint to the entire mixture. Of course, you know it isn't meant to be ingested. The bottle is sealed and isn't meant as a child's toy. For decorative purposes only.

Already listed in my Etsy shop. Buyer will receive this exact piece.

New designs coming soon!


  1. That is too cool!

  2. As Marilyn said - very cool!! You won't have any trouble selling these I know.

  3. I'm going with a third....very cool.

  4. Sherry of createology: Breathtakingly Beautiful. This is a magical Love Potion!


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Blessings, Donna