August 13, 2023

Sunday Scripture...

I originally wrote this post in March, 2011 when we lived in Florida. My star jasmine were magnificent, creating a bower over the small courtyard outside my studio window. It was always a joyful sight. I hope you enjoy my reprise of that post.

"And the peace of God,

which surpasses all comprehension,

will guard your hearts and your minds
in Jesus Christ."
-Philippians 4:7
"The light shines through the darkness, and

the darkness can never extinguish it."

- John 1:5

The profusion of star jasmine blossoms are just one of God's
blessings showered upon us - year-round - in our backyard.

I also wanted to share my photographs of the Super (perigee) Moon
taken in our yard last night. It was a truly incredible sight.

May your Sunday be showered with His love and His light.


  1. I don't think I've seen those flowers before - very beautiful. I'm imagining they are scented?

    1. Hi MA:
      Jasmine has a lovely, heady scent that wafts on the air of a summer breeze (like the Seals & Crofts song). I loved smelling it coming into my studio from the courtyard. I miss having it here. I might have to see if there's a winter hardy version for northern climates.
      Happy Sunday, dear.

  2. Sherry of createology: Serene Sunday Dear. The scent of Star Jasmine is heavenly. I love the moon!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Reminders of our wonderful time in Florida. There are things I miss about being in the south. This was one of them.


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Blessings, Donna