I've been talking about getting my fabric tower installed since last weekend.
Yesterday, we finally got the shelf units stacked and anchored. I spent the
day filling them with the piles of fabric that have been on our dining room
table all this time. It was good to see the top of our beautiful teak table again!
I took my time, making sure that all the like colors were in the right piles.
When the kids were little, we used to call it "same to same". So, I went through
all the fabric, moving some from one pile to another. I also decided to make a
separate stack just for batiks and ended up with two piles. They're in the center
two compartments right above the pinks and below the greens. So pretty.
These are the two shelf units that I will look at while I'm sewing. I like being
organized again, and I'm really glad that this part of the job is finished now.
Handsome walked in just as I was completing this job and he smiled and said,
"You're a spoiled brat." I told him I planned to tell you that I've always referred to
him as my personal "Patron of the Arts" (and this proves it). He said, "Well, you
tell them that I refer to you as my 'Spoiled Brat'." I just did. (I've kept my word.)
This is where we decided to place my old needlework shop sign. Thanks to the
cleats that are anchoring the other bolt shelves to the back wall, I lost the space I
needed above the shelves to put my sign there. I think I like this location better.
I placed my frame with my show ribbons above the door to the hallway. This way I can
see all the fabrics on my shelves. Now the ribbons are where I can see them, but not in
a place where it looks like I'm bragging (too much) by having them front and center.
Now it's time to find places for the rest of my...stuff. Some of it may or may not
make the final cut into the studio. Nothing quite like a move to make you review
what you have - and the value in keeping or letting go of it. It's a good exercise.
The dining room has been reclaimed as of yesterday, and today, I'm working to
reclaim our second guest room. Computer and printer will come into the studio,
which will free up that closet space for more of my studio overflow other things.
I'm serious about having this project finished by the weekend.
I'd better get back to it if I'm going to keep to my schedule.
Happy May Day, my friends!