Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal Kitten - Winter 2020
Last New Year's weekend, we were celebrating a late Christmas with our younger son and his family. We looked outside to see the Claudette had brought her two kittens onto our porch to play in the sun and snow. I took photos of the kittens, instantly smitten with this sweet girl. You see, I didn't know she was a she, but her face looked like a beautiful, little girl to me.
She stayed around the farm with her brother (that scamp!), and her mama all winter, and I took care of all of them. Claudette went to The Home For Wayward Cats* last month, so she could safely care for her litter of kittens. Crystal and her brother, Leo stayed here. Leo has been off sowing his wild oats (again, that scamp!), but Crystal has stayed close.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal - Spring 2021
She was the most shy of all the cats, so with Claudette away, and Leo on walkabout, I've had the opportunity to work my "Snow White" magic on Crystal. She's become friendlier and friendlier with me, and often comes running down from the wood shed when I sing my little, "Meow, Meow, Kitty, Kitty..." song to her at feeding time. It seems she feels safer in the wood shed, rather than being alone in the Compass Barn.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal - Asking For Cuddles
As soon as she gets to the barn, she jumps up onto the workbench (where I feed the cats), and flops down for a massage session. It's during these sessions that I noticed she was getting bigger and bigger - and realized that LEO is the father (that bloody scamp!). Doesn't he know he's not supposed to do that with his sister?!!!
Well, when I realized she was in a family way, I again contacted The Home For Wayward Cats to see if they had room for this little lady. They said they were full due to kitten season, but when I pick up a newly spayed Claudette to come back to the farm, I could drop off Crystal.
I was actually contacted yesterday morning to let me know that Claudette will be spayed on Friday, and I can pick her up that evening - and take Crystal to move into Claudette's previous room.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal, The Mama - May 19, 2021
I didn't see Mrs. Katz yesterday morning, and Crystal didn't run down from the wood shed either, so after I put out their food and milk, I walked up to the wood shed to check on my little girl.
Anticipating that she'd be giving birth soon, I'd taken Claudette's straw-filled kennel up to the wood shed and placed it next to her favorite perch on the wood pile. I covered the vents and door with a nice, big towel so she'd be warm and secure and hoped she'd move in.
That's where I looked for her this morning, and sure enough, she'd made a nice, secluded nest in the back of the crate. She was in there, meowing to me, but with no interest in leaving her spot to eat or cuddle. From what I know about dogs giving birth, I know that they frequently go off their food. I assumed it's the same for cats, so I talked to her for a while and told her I'd be back later to check on her.
When I went back mid-morning, there were four kittens - still wet - and being cared for by their mama. When I returned at 5:00 pm, there was a fifth kitten. Mama was stretched out, and when I peeked in through the kennel vents, talking softly to her, she actually rolled on her side so I could see all her babies. She had her front legs extended and she was "kneading" them and pulling them close. It was very sweet.
I'm so happy she did well, but I'm also a little sad. I know she and her babies will be safe at the rescue. They'll be placed in loving, forever homes - including Crystal, if they determine she'd be a good candidate as an indoor cat - but I've grown so fond of her. She was actually the one I fell for when I first saw her. So, it's because I love this little cat, that I'm willing to let her go to a new home.
Being a "community cat" in the country isn't always an easy life. I've made these cats more comfortable, but it's not the same as living in a cushy home. I want that for all of them. They won't have to worry about farm machinery, too-fast cars, coyotes, or hawks and owls. They'll sleep on beds at night, and have warm places to sleep when it's cold and wintry outside. That's what I want for them.
So, I'll take her to the rescue on Friday - and bring Claudette home (she's been an outdoor cat for too long to adjust to indoor life, and if she ever got out, she'd try to make the dangerous trip back to the farm. I'll continue to take care of her here.).
Equally sad for me, is that I'll be taking Mrs. Katz, too. I really don't think Claudette will get along with her as a newcomer, and I'm certain she was a house cat before she showed up here. She cuddles right into me when I hold her, and she's actually tried to follow me into the house, not knowing that the black dogs that chase her live inside. I want her to find a new home where she'll have all the comforts, too. It's going to be a difficult day for this caretaker, but I know I'm doing what's best for all of these sweet souls. Please tell me I'm doing the right thing.
*The Home For Wayward Cats is actually Critter Junction Pet Rescue in Fond du Lac, WI. It's a 501(c)(3) no-kill shelter. They place every single pet needing a loving home.