December 31, 2022

Cooking In The Weekend…

Handsome and I had a tasty date night meal for our anniversary on Thursday. It was a quiet way to celebrate our thirty eighth year as a married couple. 

Yesterday, we ran errands together in the morning, and I went to the kitchen after we got home.  I had three English roasts waiting to be pressure canned. After I trimmed and cubed the meat, five pints were processed, labeled and put in the pantry.

Handsome is getting his things pulled together in preparation for his trip to Florida. We’ll ring in the new year together, and he’ll be on his way by Monday morning. He’s so excited to be playing music with dear friends for the next few months, and I’m equally excited for him. I’ll share more in the coming days  

Happy New Year’s Eve! If you’re going out, have a great time and be safe. 

December 30, 2022

In Case You Need A Good Laugh...

Seriously, who doesn't need a good laugh these days? You're in for a real treat today. We spent two nights this past week celebrating Christmas with our sons and their families. It was just the best to be with them.
#1 Son and his family gifted me with this book. As an animal/dog/cat lover, they knew I'd appreciate a little pet art. Well, I haven't laughed this hard in - I think I can safely say - YEARS! Joyful, tearful laughter over the pages in this small publication.
Thanks to the sense of humor and inability (or unwillingness) to accurately portray animals by an Englishman named Hercule Van Wolfwinkle, I spent part of last night reading the captions related to ever single image within the book's covers. At one point, Handsome called up the stairs to ask what was so funny. I was laughing so hard, it was difficult to answer his question.
I told my sister, Jan about the book yesterday and sent her a text with a couple photos. Then I called her, and she was already laughing, too. Then, we both went to his Facebook page HERE (Pet Portraits by Hercule) and we started laughing all over again.   

I'm sharing a few pages from his book here, just to give you a flavor of his work. You might want to grab a Kleenex first. 
 Your first glimpse of things to come. His own beautiful Lab, Narla...and her...em...portrait. not limited to dogs. Oh, no. He can ridicule cats, and people, too! 
Be sure to read the comments from the owners. They're all solid gold...and hilarious.

He even drew a Corgi. Kind of. Sort of. Not really. Oh, dear. 

You'll learn by visiting his Facebook page that he has a second book out, too. Some proceeds of his pet portraits are donated to charity, and he's raised nearly £239,000 to date.
I have to call our son and daughter-in-law and tell them what an absolute joyful gift this was, and like I said, if you're in the mood to laugh, buy one of his books - or head right over to his Facebook page. He has a website now, too HERE. You won't regret it.

December 29, 2022

Anniversary Celebration...

 Happy Anniversary to us!
God chose the perfect person for me, and I thank Him every day for our time together.

December 28, 2022

Grammie's Jammies 2022...

Now that Christmas has passed, I can share photographs of the jammies I made for our grandkids this year. I cheated and purchased the tops, but these are the bottoms I made for them.

First up are the bottoms I made for Grandson. The fabric is The Print Shop by Sweetwater for Moda. This specific print is #5740.
I hate to purchase new buttons when I have enough vintage and older buttons to open my own button shop. (That's how I ended up opening a needlework shop in 1989!) These are the buttons I chose for his bottoms. I used Simplicity Pattern #D0834, because it's a slim cut pattern (which our guy sure is), and it has the two-button fly detail, plus the waistband button which I like better than fully elastic slip-ons.

These are the girls jammies. #1 Granddaughter's are on the right, and #2 Granddaughter's are on the left. I think I've told you in the past that I prewash all the jammie fabrics prior to cutting and sewing. The fabric is washed in warm water and tumble dried high heat so that I do the worst to the fabric before I sew everything together. They'll never get that wash and dry treatment again, but this way I know that the fabric won't shrink any more than it already has.
These are fabrics I've loved and hoarded saved for more than a few years. Fabric on the left is a Faye Burgos design for Marcus Brothers Textiles. There is no other information on the selvage. 

Fabric on the right is Azalea Trail by Nancy Odom for P & B Textiles ©2002. Yikes. I guess I just revealed how long I've had that line!  I had all the coordinating fabrics for that line, too. I'll have to look through my dark colors to see what else is left. I may have to make something else with it!

I used buttons on this pair that picked up the peachy color in the print. The photograph (unfortunately) doesn't show that it's a lovely pearly button.

More vintage buttons for this fabric, which I think begged for something old rather than new. The lady's pants are from Simplicity Pattern #D8518/0838. They also have a two-button fly (plus one), and partial elastic around the back which makes them extra comfortable.
I'm hoping each of them send Grandma a photo wearing them, so I can add it to my sewing scrapbook. I hope they enjoy wearing them at least until next Christmas, when I'll sew new ones to add to their collections. 

December 27, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Last Post For 2022...

Hi, Everybody!
Well, it looks like we can put another year in the books. This is my last post for 2022.
I think it was a pretty good year, if you don't count the last week's worth of frigid weather. We all stayed healthy here at the farmhouse, and we had a lot of fun times. I turned eleven, and I'm still spry and chipper. (Aren't those fun words?)

Dad and Carly will be packin' for Florida this week, and they're plannin' to leave after the 1st of the year, so Carly and I have been hangin' out together a little more these days. Let's not talk about Bella yet, but she hasn't been invited to these sleepovers. She hangs out with Dad and we hang out with Mom. It's quieter that way. 
#1 Son and his family were here yesterday to celebrate Christmas. It was really fun. We always love seein' them, but I especially like our grandson. We made the most of our time together because in a few weeks he's goin' to Australia to study for a semester. He's lookin' forward to this big adventure. That's what I call a real walkabout! We can't wait to long-distance visit with him while he's there.
So the next time you hear from me it will be 2023. Bella, Carly and I want to wish everybody a Happy, Happy New Year. Claudette and Crystal are cats, so truthfully, we don't think they care. snort As long as they've got water, fresh kitty litter, and two square meals a day they're happy as furry clams. Sorry. I got sidetracked.

We'll see you in the new year. Everybody stay safe and warm. I'll be right back here again next week and I hope you will be, too.
Smooches from (I hope) your favorite Corgi.
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"

December 26, 2022

Boxing Day (Week) Sale...

Brynwood's Boxing Day Sale
December 26th - 31st

Everything in my Etsy shop is 35% off
(with a minimum $15 purchase)

Click HERE to go shopping.

December 25, 2022

Sunday Scripture - Merry Christmas...

Isaiah 9 

May all the blessings of this Christmas season be yours.

December 24, 2022

Celebrate The Reason…

Happy Christmas Eve


December 23, 2022

Coming In February...

Some of the new fabrics for 2023 Brynwood creations arrived today. These will become wallets, organizers, handbags. travelers and totes. New items will be completed in January, with some appearing in my online shop. The rest will be featured in my booth in February at the Wisconsin Quilt Show.

Grammie's Jammies are completed, and waiting to be gifted to our grandchildren. I'll share photos of them on Monday, when they'll be in the hands of their recipients. We start celebrating today. Decorations going up, and goodies baking in the kitchen.

Safe Travels and Holiday Blessings to all my Brynwood family. I'm so grateful for all of you!

December 22, 2022

Just A Peek...

Because I don't know if there are nosy pantses out there who may be trolling my posts to see what they might be getting, this is the only photo I'll share of the Jammies until after they have their gifts. I love working with this fabric, and the others I've chosen for the grands this year.

Son #2, his family and our granddaughter's boyfriends will be here Friday, barring unsafe travel conditions. If they come, the girls will get their jammies then. Son #1 and his family will be here on Monday evening. Grandson will get his jammies when we see him. 
I'm finishing up sewing today, and tomorrow will be spent in the kitchen. I'm making more cutout cookies and we'll be decorating the house for Christmas. I've hesitated to do that, knowing I'll end up putting most of it away alone once Handsome heads south. Now that we know when we'll see the kids, I'm much more enthused about it.

On another note, I'm planning some new things in the new year. I'll be making new designs for my online shop, as well as the booth I'll have in February at the quilt show here in Wisconsin. I'm also going to be offering a few online classes, and sharing techniques through Facebook or Zoom (I'm still working out the details on that).

I'm also going to have a Boxing Day Sale that will run all next week. I'll share more about that on Monday, Dec. 26th, so if you've got your eye on something in my shop - or you don't get something you really want for Christmas - be sure to come back to check out the sale.

If you're in the path of this oncoming storm, please stay warm. Don't head out until you know it's safe to do so. I'll see you back here tomorrow.

December 21, 2022

The Elves Are Busy...

We're bracing for a terrible snowstorm and cold spell this weekend. It may begin today. I made sure the barn girls have lots of insulation and their warm pads to keep them safe. I'll check on them multiple times today to see that they're comfortable. You know I'll fret about them until this passes. I've said we have a "negotiated" two cat limit here (Handsome's not a feline fan), but I'll find a way to bring them in if they're too cold.
I'm just completing a last stitching project, and I'm sewing Grammie's Jammies now. I'd love to be able to sit with a cuppa tea to visit with you, but no time to chat today, dears. I'll be back tomorrow to share what I complete today.

December 20, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Extra Snuggles...

Hi, Everybody!

We're only five days away from Christmas, and even better - both the house ladies are almost sayin' goodbye their "Aunty Flo". Bella's was most unexpected, considerin' she's been spayed. Mom and Dad are sayin' "mostly spayed" these days. 

As soon as she's done, her lady vet is gonna take another blood test. If the tests show what the vet expects to see, Bella will have to have surgery to remove the bits that were left behind. She won't have that until after Dad gets back from Florida.

The good part though is that her grumpy, grouchy attitude should go away in the next couple of days as soon as her hormones settle down again...and we can't wait. Personally, it's been rough on me, tryin' to stay my sweet self when I want to retaliate for all this barkin' and growlin' every time she sees my face. I'll be real glad when it's all behind us (no pun intended).

The silver lining in this cloud is that Mom and Dad have been real sympathetic to my plight. I get extra cuddles from Dad, and BEST PART? I get to sleep in the bed with Mom every night. It's been so nice! I don't have to listen to the girls snore or make woofie noises in their crates. I get to sleep on my own pillow and sometimes I even sleep late! 

So, I hope Bella gets back to normal pretty soon. She and I are stayin' here with Mom while Dad and Carly head south for a while. We have to get along so we're not stuck doin' shifts in our kennels. That would be a huge bummer.

In the meantime, I'm gonna help Mom make good treats in the kitchen, and we'll all be enjoyin' the next couple weeks. Christmas, then Mom and Dad's anniversary, soon followed by New Year's Eve. Someone needs to tell Bella "'Tis the season to be jolly!" She needs to knock off the drama. Toot sweet!

Merry Christmas, just a tad early. I'll be back next week to tell you what I got from Santa and the elves. 

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"

December 19, 2022

A Little Baking...

Much of the weekend was spent needle dancing, but a bit was spent making Koulourakia cookies. These look a little more golden because of the rich, almost orange color of the farm fresh eggs I use for baking (and in this case, also as an egg wash). Seriously, once you try farm eggs, you'll never go back to store-bought!

I'm back in the studio today. I have some tidying up to do, and I need to make a few phone calls. Then I'm back to creating gifts. Don't worry, though. I'm taking it easy so I can enjoy my tasks. Tag will see you tomorrow, and I'll be back on Wednesday with more photographs.

December 18, 2022

December 17, 2022

Christmas Bunny...

This Christmas Bunny ornament/bowl filler is finished. I sewed it together yesterday, and then hand sewed sparkling, red beads around the outside edge. Now it's ready to hop to its new home. 

I think I'll bake today, and finish my Christmas cookies to be shared as gifts. It's so cold outside it will be nice to have the oven on in the kitchen. 

Happy Weekend, friends!

December 16, 2022

A Christmas Bunny In Progress...

He's nearly - but not quite - finished. You can still see the markings from where I drew him around the edges of my needlework. I used a Frixion™ heat erasable pen, so the lines will disappear when I take steam heat to them. 

This will be another heart ornament when it's done, and it will be gifted shortly afterward. I'll complete it today, and of course, take a photograph of the finished piece to share with you before I send it off. 

It's already Friday, and I completely lost a couple days this week. I'm feeling much better, so I'll be busy through the weekend. Those Jammies aren't going to sew themselves! Better start working on that today, too. 

December 15, 2022

Fly Away, Butterfly...

You may remember my completed Red Spotted Purple Butterfly project. This was the result of the stumpwork class I took with the Royal School of Needlework when they brought tutors from England to Kentucky in 2018. That's where I met our tutor, Owen Davies.

This was the class photograph we had taken at the end of our week-long session. Not only did we love Owen, his teaching style, and his sense of humor (once we got him to loosen up a bit), we forged new friendships with each other over that week, too. It was a truly memorable seven days together.

This is the group photograph of all the tutors who traveled to the United States to share their talents and expertise with those of us who attended for the one or two week sessions. 

I was devastated to learn that our tutor and friend, Owen passed away in the last week in England. He was only 52 years old. I'm told he passed quickly after being diagnosed with cancer. I cried when I read the announcement in the Royal School of Needlework Facebook group. 

I learned during our class that he lived in the same town in England where I was born - not far from Hampton Court Palace. I'd discussed with him, and so hoped to be able to fly overseas to take a class from him again. Those hopes were dashed in the time it took to read of his passing. I sat stunned, and in tears.

While in our class, Owen told us of a book he'd co-written on stumpwork, and thanks so my trusty smart phone, I immediately located a copy for sale online. Before he was finished talking about it, I'd purchased it. It was waiting for me when I got home over the weekend. I was happy to own it back then, but even more glad I own it now that I'll not be able to see him again.

Rest in Peace, dear Owen. 
Know that you're loved and missed, and we'll not forget our time with you.

December 14, 2022

Rest & Recuperate...

I'm sharing a finished piece with you today as I rest and recuperate from yesterday - my last procedure for 2022. 
I'm sincerely hoping that it's the last in a long line since a botched surgery in 2020 (Seven total).

This is a piece I finished that will be gifted to a friend very soon, inspired by an Instagram post.
I'm thinking I may do more along this line in 2023, as they'd make lovely bowl fillers. Don't you think?

I'm stitching on another (different) piece today, and will share that very soon. For now my feet are up, 
and my hands are occupied with needle and thread. That's the only dancing I'll be doing for a day or two.

December 13, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - He's Gone!...

Hi, Everybody!

Well, I've got great news for you. Furgus has gone to a new home, and it's a wonderful story.

Mom was so worried about the feline dynamics in the Compass Barn. This big boy showed up in our yard some time around late fall, but with the extended halfway decent weather, he'd come and go as the girls snarled and hissed him off the property.

Once the weather got crummy, it seems that this guy was more of a homebody than feral cat. He wasn't afraid of Mom, and he never missed a meal time. The girls - on the other hand - were put out to no end. Claudette took to sleepin' on a lawn chair in the big part of the barn instead of her warm bed. Crystal made herself even more scarce. This was untenable for Mom. I mean, remember all the redecoratin' she did in the barn so the girls would be warm once the weather fell in the crapper? Furgus was even usin' their litter box, for Pete's sake!

Well, Mom started payin' more attention to him to see how friendly he might be. Not only was he friendly, he was downright lovable. Every time he heard her voice, he'd bounce out of the barn to see if she might be walkin' over to visit with him.

Mom put up a post on her Facebook page, asking if anyone might want to adopt him. She got three replies. One was for this lady who wanted him for her second house cat. He would be livin' with a dog or two, too. Then, the lady contacted her again and said her daughter, who has her own home was lobbyin' hard to have him. They set a date for a visitation at noon on Saturday.

Wouldn't you just know that Furgus was nowhere to be seen Friday and Saturday? They had planned to come out Saturday noon-ish, but Mom had to tell her she hadn't seen the boy. Mom promised to let them know as soon as he showed up (hopefully at dinner time). As an aside: a nice man wanted a companion for his older cat and we think he would have been a good choice, too, but these ladies had the first option.

Mom kept watchin' the girls, because they move out of the Compass Barn whenever Big Boy showed up. Around 6:30 on Saturday night, both the girls were back on the porch. That was unusual because she'd already put food in the barn for them. When the weather is cold, they then stay in the barn the rest of the night.

Seeing them on the porch, she hurried and put on her barn coat and went into the barn. Like clockwork, Furgus was up on the table stuffin' his face! She went to the table, said hello to him, and scooped him up. He loved that! He cuddled right up to her and she was easily able to put him in our kitty crate. Then she called to see if the lady and her daughter wanted to make a road trip. You won't be surprised to learn that they jumped in their car, and a half hour later were standin' in our garage with Mom.

Furgus came out of the crate to Mom, but he was apprehensive about these ladies. Even though they cooed and tried to pet him, he buried his face in the crook of Mom's arm. He was afraid, but not aggressive with his fear. Eventually, Mom was able to hand him off the the lady's daughter, Meadow. Isn't that a pretty name? Actually, it's a perfect name for the person who would be adopting Furgus. 

After visitin' a little more to make sure Furgus was gettin' used to them, Meadow and her mom put Furgus into the crate they bought with them and put him in their car. Mom was so happy that he had a forever home. These ladies already loved him when they left the yard.

Meadow sent photos to Mom the next day, sayin' that Furgus had spent most of the day on her bed, sleepin'. We said it's probably the most wonderful, safe sleep he's had in months. No fear of predators, antagonizers, or crummy weather. Mom was very happy. 

So the photos we're sharin' today are of Furgus' mom, Meadow, holdin' him for the first time; him sleepin' the first day (Isn't is cute that Meadow covered him with a blanket?); and a day spent hangin' out on her bed yesterday. He's really landed in a great place, and best of all, everybody is happy. Meadow's happy. Claudette and Crystal are happy. Mom's happy that he's in a safe, lovin' home, and Dad's ecstatic that there's one less cat (he's not a fan of felines) on our property. Mom tells people that we have two negotiated barn cats on our property.

I can safely say that this was a happy endin' all the way around. We're just hopin' Furgus didn't talk to any other strays before he left, directin' them to our house. We need a break from helpin' strays. Truthfully, it's a little hard on Mom's heart. She'd keep 'em all if she could...but I'm darn glad she can't. It's crowded around here as it is. Here, I'd hope to be an only puppy all those years ago. Especially since Bella's still raggin' at me these days. I'll just keep my head down and count my blessin's. Not inconsequential is the fact that Furgus will now sleep as nicely at night as I do, and that's a wonderful thing, indeed.

Merry Christmas Blessin's, Meadow and Furgus.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"

December 12, 2022

Planning Ahead For The February Show...

I spent Sunday working out a new design for Brynwood's cork fabric line. 
Introducing the "Matty Clutch".

This clutch measures a convenient 8" x 5", has a main zippered compartment, and an additional front zippered compartment. These will be part of a limited edition collection, as I only have a finite number of the squirrel and acorn zipper pulls. The lining is a custom fabric featuring the acorn and oak leaf element from my logo.

These are already spoken for, but I'll be making a lot more after the holidays. In addition, I'll also be making a "Mini Matty" that will be perfectly sized for a few bank or credit cards, cash, and will have an attached key ring! All of them will debut in my booth at the quilt show in February. I'll share more information about that as the date gets closer.

I'm baking today. Bread and more Christmas cookies are on my dance card for the day. Tag will be back tomorrow with great news. I'll see you again on Wednesday. I hope you're enjoying this holiday season. I'm really trying to slow down and enjoy the reason for the season. I wish the same for you.