February 6, 2025


All my February "Love" artist trading cards went into the mail and are on their way to new homes. I made two changes to the one I shared yesterday. I kept the darker thread on three I'd completed before deciding to go with a lighter thread. I also moved the heart-shaped button to the top corner, rather than the bottom to balance out the design.

Now, I'll be able to concentrate on other things. Like moving some things out of my fabric studio. It was pretty exciting a couple nights ago. I was sitting in the recliner in the living room and would occasionally hear Crystal bouncing around upstairs. The first time I went to see what the ruckus was about, I turned on the hall light to find her reclining at the top of the stairs, looking innocent.

The second time, I didn't turn on the light until I'd quietly climbed the staircase. I found her in Handsome's room and she was staring, first under the bed and then at the bench at the end of the bed. I'd been doing laundry through the day and had a basket on the bench. I moved it to see a mouse scampering down the length of the bench. I calmly moved the basket into my studio and called Claudette.

Understand that I love all living creatures, however I do not like them pooping in my home. I knew there was a mouse because I'd occasionally find "signs" on my machine table. If I can catch said critter myself, I happily relocate them to the Compass Barn. However, Crystal was on the hunt, and I called Claudette to help. At first, she thought I was just bothering her, but when I moved our cedar chest Crystal was scoping out, the mouse ran right across Claudette's feet and into my studio. Game on! Both girls spent the night guarding those two doorways. Nothing was going to get past them again.

So far, the critter has eluded them, but I'd picked up all my baskets and containers and put them on my cutting table, so now is the perfect time to go through the containers and make some purging decisions. After I take care of the big girls this morning, I'll be returning to that room and I'll definitely be filling some bags to take to St. Vinny's. I'll let you know if the girls have any success, or if the mouse is fortunate enough for me to capture it first. Right now, I've got other things to do, so I'll leave that task to the little girls.

February 5, 2025

Almost Ready To Mail Out...

I came home from work yesterday, fed the girls, ate my dinner and then started stitching. This is what my February 2025 artist trading card looks like for the Love theme. I haven't finished all of them, but will do that today, in between other tasks. They'll all mail out tomorrow.

In retrospect (especially after photographing), I would have made my cherub image more saturated and perhaps a tad larger, but I've already put together twelve, and am not going to start over. I do love the image, and chose "hugs and kisses" rather than "Love" for the bottom.

Once these are completed and ready to mail, I can turn my attention to other things. I'm not sure what's next, but rest assured, you'll be the first to know once I make my choice.

Happy Hump Day!

February 4, 2025


We got our theme for the February artist trading cards in the Treasures swap group my sister, Jan organizes. Of course, being Valentine's month, the theme is Love. I immediately seized on my project! 

I'm already nearly finished, but didn't want to show more than this until they're completely done. I purposely didn't choose the typical red/pink/white colorway this time. I went off in this lavender/purple direction instead.

I'm working today but will likely complete this after I get home. Once completed, I'll be able to share them with you before they fly away to new homes. I'm hoping I can do that tomorrow. Gotta run now, though...

February 3, 2025

Enchanted Embroidery...

This book is the newest addition to my needlework library. Enchanted Embroidery by Jenny Adin-Christie. It's a gorgeous hardcover book! Within the covers are pages upon pages of stunning needle art, and patterns are included.

The very first piece she shares is this lovely embroidery that she created as a book cover, The Owl and The Pussycat. She employs a number of techniques and materials, including sequins to bring this piece to life.

This is a lovely needlecase that features a fish on the front. Inspirations is the publisher, and kits are available to make most of these pieces, but many are already - understandably - sold out.

I really love this little wren. It has a special compartment in its back to carry a thimble, and needles can be safely stored under its wings. This is also available as a kit, but fair warning, they're not inexpensive to purchase. I think I remember the kit for the owl on the cover was about $500 Australian.

Even so, I'm thinking that most of the piece can be constructed by the needleworker, with the exception of the beaks and feet on the birds. I might need help from a woodworker to reproduce those! I think when I'm ready, I'll begin with something like a scissor or needle case and work my way up to something framed. 

Either way, I will enjoy paging through this book to take in every sweet detail, and dream of the day when I'll finally tackle one of the projects.

If you're interested in obtaining your own copy, you can visit HERE for more information. Magazine subscribers receive a discount on purchases.

February 2, 2025

February 1, 2025

January Artist Trading Card Exchanges...

January Treasures Artist Trading Cards - Theme: Snowflakes

I received the last of the exchange cards yesterday, so I can share all of them with you today. Mine is the stitched on wool card in the lower left corner. There were so many gorgeous, artistic versions for the month!

I'm going to make my February cards today. The theme is "Love". I've already gathered my materials and will have fun creating this one! I'll share on Monday.

January 31, 2025


Brynwood Needleworks - Holz Fabric "Bella" Tote

And just like that, the commissioned Bella Tote is finished! I got a bee in my bonnet yesterday and decided to stick with it until it was finished. 

I made of cup of tea in my go cup (safest way to drink tea in the studio), made my way upstairs and started cutting fabric around noon. By 3:30, I was finished. They're never difficult to make. I just had to get my head in the mood to sew. Once I started, it was a breeze.

Brynwood Needleworks - "Bella" Tote Interior
One thing...I always sew up the turning seam by hand. I'd hoped to go right to a little needlework after I finished the tote, but discovered as I sewed that seam closed that the burned tip of my index finger doesn't hold a needle well right now. It feels like I have a leather button on it, which makes everything awkward. Plus it's a little sore, too.

Instead, I got out my castor oil/frankincense mixture, rubbed it into my fingertip with a little left over, and then covered it with a bandage. Castor oil has such wonderful healing properties (I use it on my sore knee all the time, and it offers great relief), that I'm hoping it will do its magic to help heal my finger faster. I sat down to read instead.

Today is the end of January already. Hard to believe, isn't it? I already know the theme for the next ATC exchange, so I'll probably work on those over the weekend. I did get another new book, and this one is going to really bowl you over! I'll share it with you tomorrow. Happy Friday!

January 30, 2025

Lazy Bones...

Handsome has been gone two days, and this is all I've managed to accomplish in the studio. I've pulled together all the fabrics and accessories I need to sew up the Bella tote. Yep. That's all. 

I really am going to get started today. I'll get everything cut out, and then my plan is to sew until it's done. I do have a hair appointment, but will work before and after that. Wish me luck!

January 29, 2025

Eye Candy...

In the past, I've shared that I love to look at (or read) needlework books when I'm away from stitching. It's almost as nice as the actual process. Yesterday, I added this beauty to my library. It's Trish Burr's "The Kew Book of Nature Samplers" (in case you hadn't noticed from the photograph  lol).

There's actually an outside hard cover that has pockets to hold the transfer images, and to protect the book within. I paged through it last night, and can see using it as major inspiration for future ideas.

There are butterflies, bugs, bunnies, flowers and even a beautiful owl. I learned the "long and short stitch" technique from Owen (RSN tutor) when I made the butterfly in his class, but refreshers never hurt. Practice makes perfect!

I'll definitely be pulling this one out from time to time, as I work toward needlework mastery. I'm going to work on the tote today, but will be bringing out the bluebirds again by the weekend. In the meantime, I'm learning more about stretcher bars and tools I hadn't seen before (if you can believe that!) and other things. This book - in my humble opinion - is worth every penny.

I don't work again until Friday, so I have lots of time for studio things in between caring for the girls. They always remind me when it's time to take a break. I'll take care of them first this morning, and then I'm off to my happy place.

January 28, 2025

The Birthday Girl...

Sunday was a great day to celebrate this four year old's Birthday. She was ready and excited for all the attention and hoopla. The theme was ladybugs, and she even had them on her dress!

I asked her to smile for me, and this is the smile her great-aunty captured. Her hair was about six inches longer a few days earlier, but she asked her mama to cut it shorter. I think it looks just perfect!

Now, about this cake. Her daddy loves DQ ice cream cakes, so he went to the one right up the road and ordered this red, white and black one to mimic ladybugs. There was only one problem...

Black icing. Everyone who ate it got black teeth, tongues and lips. It was actually quite funny to see younger kids with it all over their faces, but the adults didn't escape either. Even my 91 year old stepdad had it on his lips, and some of the kids were covered in it. As I'm not a fan of chocolate ice cream (the main flavor inside the cake), I took a hard pass. 

After opening and hugging each of her gifts, she was off and running again with all the other kids. All I managed to capture of her with her kitty purse was a blurry image of her opening, smiling and hugging it. I'll ask her mama to take a photo when she actually uses it, so I have it for my album, but that means I don't have one to share with you. Suffice it to say, she loved it.

I'm working today and then coming home to the big and little girls. Handsome made his way to Florida on a direct flight yesterday, so I'm sure he's enjoying the weather and time with his friends. Rehearsals begin today for him. I'm hoping I get a recording or two when he plays, so I can enjoy it along with all his southern fans.

Lots planned for this week as we begin the last week of January (already). I'll share more with you tomorrow.

January 27, 2025

January Craft Day...

We made snowmen (and ladies)! The bases were either old bed springs, candlesticks, vintage salt shakers, or - in my case - a larger, vintage sugar shaker. This one was really fun for all of us!

Once I chose my base, my creative juices started flowing and I had my Valentine snow lady finished in no time. There were rustic snowmen, and snowmen with pillbox hats (created using either the shaker lid or the lid from a spice jar. Each one is very unique, and all of them were special! Here are each of the ladies with their creations...

l-r: Nancy, Linda, and Kris
l-r: Adrienne, Marie and me

Here's a closeup of mine. I placed her with my snowman/Valentine heart bowl. You can see from this photo that I found some sweet "bling" to add to her...the "love" piece around her neck and there's also a little sparkling button in her hair bow. I filled the sugar shaker with snow white glitter for more shimmer. The shiny buttons down the front were hot glued in place. I held the button in my left hand to affix the glue to the back. On the second one, the button slipped in my hand and started to burn my index finger and thumb. 
As I jumped and tried to right it with my right hand, it got stuck to my right index finger and gave me a second degree burn. I couldn't get it off right away, so I've got an impressive blister there now. In retrospect, I was pretty proud of myself for getting through the entire ordeal without cursing! At home, I usually use a chopstick and/or large tweezers for such tasks, which I'll be sure to do from now on. I won't be forgetting this injury anytime soon. Dang hot glue guns. This is the first injury from one in decades, but I'll remember this one for a while.

Anyway, I really think it was worth the sacrifice as I loved this project that much. I'll share photos from Sunday's Birthday party tomorrow, but I have to run. Handsome flies south today, so I have to get moving. See you later!

January 26, 2025

January 25, 2025

Next Up...

Black cork and Tim Holz fabric will be the main fabrics for my next project...a recently commissioned Bella tote. My plan is to make this on Monday after I get home from taking Handsome to the airport.

This morning I'm driving to Portage for our monthly Craft Day, and I'm taking along a wool needle felting kit to work on. We were all asked to bring a project for needle felting, so mine is a small red fox. I'm not sure how far we'll get with it, but I can always finish it once I get home.

After our morning of crafting, we'll be celebrating Annabelle's Birthday with a tea party. Belle is Adrienne's daughter (generation four of my friendship with Linda's family). I'm not sure whether or not I should bring a tea party hat, so I'm going to take one along, just in case. I'm planning to wear a dress, too, which (in light of the current weather) I may come to regret. Fingers crossed that's not the case.

I'd love to stay longer and chat, but I don't want to be late. I hope you have a lovely Saturday and Sunday, and I'll be back on Monday with all sorts of news to share.

January 24, 2025

Making Napkins...

A few years ago, I received a bread basket similar to this one from Son #2 and his family as a Christmas gift. The clay plate in the bottom is to be placed in the oven long enough to get warm, and then it's returned to the basket where it radiates heat to warm bread and/or rolls during the meal.

This year, I got this one as a gift for a family member. I absolutely love the tree of life pattern in the clay, and while I was taught to always choose gifts for others that you would like to receive yourself, this one will be hard to send along. (Not really, but I really like it.)

The fabrics the basket's sitting on were cut today so I can turn them into napkins and two basket liners. Once I finish those, I'll carefully package up the set and send it on its way.

I work tonight, so after I get that task checked off my list, I'll rest a bit before I have to go in. I'll be up early tomorrow to drive to Portage for Craft Day and Annabelle's Birthday party. I want to make sure I don't overdo things today so I'm up for the travel and celebrations tomorrow. For now, I'm off to sew! Once again, it's the weekend already. Rather than "spring forward/fall back", I wish there were a "slow down" setting!

January 23, 2025

Taking A New Class...

I'm taking another Royal School of Needlework class! This one is online, and the tutor is Heather Lewis, who I met when I was taking the butterfly course in Lexington in 2019. 

I actually purchased one of her kits while I was there, but I've never worked it. This is the booklet from that kit, and the image on the front of it is the box that I will make from it after I finish her online course.

When I saw that the RSN was offering a video/online class of Heather's technique - taught by Heather herself - I had to enroll. I will have access to the online classes until the end of January 2026, so there's plenty of time for me to complete all the modules.

My kit arrived today and I couldn't wait to open it! Inside were the threads, needles, Liberty of London fabrics and precut box pieces required to create the box shown for the course. When complete, it will be constructed as a double-decker, rectangular box, with the word "Threads" stitched on top. 

You know I have other pressing projects to complete first, so my goal is to begin this by March 1st. I want to complete my bluebirds embroidery first, and I have two other smaller projects to finish in the next ten days or so. I'll share those with you soon, but I just had to unveil this one because I was so excited.

If you're interested in taking this class, or looking at their other online offerings, HERE is the link to their online courses. (The link will open in a new window.) While their online courses aren't cheap, they're much more affordable than traveling to their in-person venues.

I didn't go to the classmate dinner gathering last night. By the time we left Green Bay from my doctor's appointment I was tired. We drove right into snow, and as it was windy with below zero temps all day, I was over being outdoors. I changed into my sweats and took a nap. I was happy to stay home and spend time with Handsome. There were many others who cancelled out, too, but a small, in-town group of die hards met and had a great time. I hope they took a photograph. If so, I'll share that when I get a copy.

Handsome is having lunch with #2 Son today, but I'm going to stay home. I have some things I want need to do, so I'll work on my tasks instead. I'm off to have my morning cuppa, and then I'll get after it. See you tomorrow. Stay warm if you live somewhere that's "frosty" right now.

January 22, 2025

Baby, It's Cold Outside!...

Emily Duffin Illustrations - Badger

Handsome drove me to work yesterday, and we had a relatively slow day. It was nearly -20º F with the wind chill! Only the bravest dare go out. I mentioned to a few regular customers that either someone is playing with a weather machine, or Mother Nature is off her meds. We all agreed that Mother Nature is probably off her meds!

Aside: Don't you love this illustration? I think it would make a beautiful piece of embroidery, too!

I have to admit, I worry for the opossums and birds. I haven't seen any opossums this year, and frankly, even the birds have been scarce. I have filled feeders for all to enjoy, but they're still mostly full after nearly two weeks. 

Today, we'll again venture out, but I'm happy that the weather will have warmed up a bit. It should actually be in the 20s by mid-afternoon. I just hope the 10-14 mph winds calm down so we don't have the nasty wind chill.

I won't get any crafting done today, but am looking forward to working on a few things tomorrow. I'll tell you all about it in the morning. Until then, please stay warm and do something fun.

January 21, 2025

Lab Quilt Fabrics...

When Handsome and I were first married, I made a whole cloth lap quilt for him from a fabric with dog panels on it. I used a high loft batting, and did the "stitch around the blocks and dogs" quilt thing that was popular back then. I'd never made a quilt before, so this was my sewing background attempt to put it together. He's had it on our bed or on his lap nearly every day since then. He would even take it with him to Florida when he traveled back after we returned to Wisconsin.

That quilt is still in (mostly) one piece, but it's showing its age, and is fraying in more than a few places. He's asked me to make a new one for me. He only had one request. That I make it with high loft batting and the same scant quilting so it would stay lightweight and puffy. (yikes)

I went looking for panels that could be sewn together like I did the last one, but there aren't a lot of companies that do that, so finding dog specific wasn't easy. I kept looking and I've managed to find a lovely fabric line that will do just what I want. The fabrics above are part of the line, and I'll likely piece them into the project. (Jerry Gadamus Labs for QT Fabrics)

Handsome took me aside yesterday morning and asked that I wait on this project until he's in Florida. Once I complete it, I can mail it south to him - or he'll let me know if I should just keep it here to wait until he comes home. I admit, I'm a bit relieved that I'll have ample time to give it the thought and attention to detail it deserves. 

I'll set this aside until later, and will turn my attention to the other things I have on my list for this week. Don't worry, though. You'll see these fabrics again very soon.

January 20, 2025

Wynter's Kitty Purse...

Wynter's Kitty Purse - Front

I completed Wynter's little purse on Sunday. Once I made my final color decision, it was pretty easy.

Wynter's Kitty Purse - Back

I even put a kitty tail on the backside of her bag. Claudette always carries her tail like a question mark, so that's the shape I gave the tail on Wynter's purse.

Wynter's Kitty Purse - Zipper Pull

In anticipation of some special project bags I've been contemplating, I have two different styles of cat zipper pulls in my inventory. This one seemed perfect for Wynter's purse.

Wynter's Kitty Purse - Lining

I used the same lining for Wynter's that I used for her big sister's puppy purse. Puppy or kitty paws? I don't think she'll mind either way. As you can see, I used my name label for the inside. That way she can remember that her aunty designed and created this just for her.

I'm starting a project for Handsome today. I want to have it finished before he goes to Florida, but as he's going to be flying, I'll likely ship it to him along with a few other things he'll need while he's away. 

I have another busy week ahead...work Tuesday; a doctor's appointment and dinner with my old classmates on Wednesday; work Friday; Craft day and Annabelle's Birthday party right after; and Wynter's Birthday party on Sunday. Handsome leaves next Monday, so I'll be spending as much time in between as possible with him as he gets ready. I might have to call the elves back into service to help me out. lol As they say in the movies when things get exciting..."Hold on!" as you join me on my whirlwind week.