I ran an errand for Handsome while he was at his orchestra rehearsal yesterday morning. When I returned home, I opened the front doors to let the sunshine and cool air into the house. I was surprised by this box greeting me in the entryway. (Can you see it's from
The Raspberry Rabbits?) I was doing the happy dance. I had a package from my sweet friend, Shell May!!!

I opened the package and there were multiple wrapped bundles inside. I opened the card to find the furry faces of the Raspberry Rabbits themselves - Sugar and Razzy - looking back at me! I read the heartfelt sentiments from my friend and then commenced to open those bundles.
Inside Bundle #1 was a cute trio of rabbit tails with a sweet friendship message. On the back is an attached clothespin, perfect to hold a project in progress or a bundle of papers. Three bunny tails...so cute!

When I opened Bundle #2, I was greeted by this bunny-adorned mug. My favorite flower - geraniums - next to the Marjolein Bastian bunnies on front...

and a reclining rabbit with a cute message on the back. I love this mug and decided I would fill it with the ball of yarn I use for cording on my pincushion creations. That way, it will be front and center on my worktable instead of closeted away. There's something tucked inside, too. I'll come back and see what it is when I've opened all my bundles.

Then I opened Bundle #3. When I realized its contents, my eyes welled with tears. Shell sells these beautiful bunny embroidery scissors and scissors holders (
here) in her online shop. I've been eyeing them for
months...really! Is the lovely Shell also a mind reader? I think so!

On a recent "Wild Hare" Wednesday, Shell wrote that her wild hare was to change out all of the drawer and door pulls in her home. I told her I admired her pink rose pulls, and look!!! She gifted them to me! Now, I have to decide where to use them, but for now, they'll also be on my worktable, inspiring me to do my best and most charming work - just like the elegant pieces that are born in my friend's studio.

I didn't forget... Look what was inside the bunny mug.
Ghirardelli Raspberry-filled chocolates!
Now you see 'em...

Now you don't!!
(Trust me. They were delicious!)

Isn't this the most magnificent array of gifts? Handwork from the graceful Miss Shell, touches of her decor, her hand chosen gifts and a photograph of her beloved Sugie and Razzy. Best loved of all are the kind and generous words shared with me in her card. I cherish our new-found friendship and look forward to the day when we can share a cup of kindness in the same room.
Thank you, my dear and precious friend. Your generosity is truly overwhelming. Hugs to you and the rabbits from this friend who is grateful beyond measure.