Hi, Everybody.
I had something completely different planned for today's post,
but you know what they say..."Fo-gedda-boud-it". hee hee
I decided instead to just a few of my favorite things this week.
These are not all of them (by a long shot!), 'cuz I like lotsa stuff.
You may have heard that corgis are food-focused. Don't believe it for a second!
But, I do love my Science Diet Small Bites. It's the "Advanced Fitness" kind.
(It helps me maintain my healthy and fit self.) But look at the most important
part. There's a corgi on the label! Not as good lookin' as me, but not bad.
Another favorite thing...when I'm really good...is PEANUT BUTTER!
YUMMY!!! Mine, all mine!!!
Well, not really, but mom shares a little with me once in a while.
Like everyone else, I also love BACON! I'll do almost anything for bacon.
In fact, I forget all about being an aloof, self-respectin' corgi when there's
bacon in the house. If you tell anyone, though, I'll deny it all over the place.
I'm a pool fool. Yeah. I know. You're shocked that this is on my list.
If I'm not swimmin', you can still find me hangin' out on my chaise
whether it's sunny or overcast. Who needs the dog beach when I've got
this oasis right outside my back door? No sand to get in my fur, either!
When it's hot outside, I like to just sprawl out on the floor.
It cools off my tummy and I can even sleep on TWO floors at once!
Front end on the tile. Back end on the wood floor...or vice versa.
I'm flexible that way.
Even though this isn't my full list, I have to admit that one of my most
favorite things to do is help mom write her blog posts every night...and
then let her help me write my own posts for Tuesdays. I'm kinda fond of
all of you who leave such nice messages for me, too. I hope one of these
days we might even get to meet each other in person. Wouldn't that be cool?
'til then...
"More Waggin' and Less Barkin'!"
See ya next week!