Are you familiar with the Lutterloh System? If you make your own clothing (or have in the past, or would like to in the future) this is a wonderful way for you to be sure that your clothes fit every time. The system provides patterns sized exactly to your body, without the need for a body double or duct tape dress form!
When you purchase the system, you receive a binder with starter patterns, a tape measure, a special marking gauge, pins, double stick tape and marking pen. I can't remember if I purchased the plastic designer's curve (not shown) with my kit, or if I purchased it separately, but you want to have one of those, too. A smaller cardboard one does come inside the binder.

Each 5 x 7 pattern page in the binder has the garment piece(es) shown on the front...

and the actual pattern printed is on the back.

The system includes complete instructions on how to create your pattern, but the simple explanation is that you start with your own specific measurements. Then, using the special gauge and measuring tape, transfer the measurements (shown as dots) from the small pattern onto Swedish pattern paper, creating an upsized version in your own size. Genius!

There is a pamphlet that gives basic information for pattern making, and the company also has a video on its website that gives an overview. (Click
this link to watch the short version of the video.) There is also a longer instruction video, showing step-by-step directions. In addition, you can order more seasonal or special supplement patterns (in sets) from their website.
If you're a novice seamstress, you might be a bit overwhelmed with the process. Especially if you aren't sure about the "order of assembly" on a regular pattern. But that doesn't mean that you can't learn this system. Each pattern actually tells you the order of assembly in the form of matching alphabet references. All the information a person needs to make each garment is coded onto the pattern pieces. Who knows? Perhaps it would actually be easier for a novice to learn with this system over conventional patterns!
I've been using conventional patterns for over forty years, so I came to this process "prewired". I let you know after I make my first garment via Lutterloh whether or not that was an advantage or disadvantage.
Here's the link to Lutterloh's main page in case you're just itching to know more.
I'm really looking forward to creating my first garments, and I promise to actually model the results for you. (As my friend, Kate at
Chronicles of a Country Girll says in her blog header, "Try not to get to excited." giggle)
A few of you left comments yesterday, expecting that I'd have everything made by today. I really appreciate your vote of confidence, but Tuesdays are full of music rehearsals and evening Books a Million gatherings with girlfriends. So there was no sewing yesterday.
Today, Handsome and I are heading to a ball game (Tampa Bay Rays vs. Philly) with friends. That means I won't get a shot at making anything before tomorrow. I have prewashed the knit fabrics, so they're waiting for me in the studio. I'm going to prewash the linen fabric I showed you yesterday, and that's the fabric I'll be using for my Lutterloh pattern. I'm really chomping at the bit to get to it, but I'm going to enjoy the day and think about those new projects later.
Cue the music, bring in the cute dog and the little red-haired girl with no eye pupils. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow..." (Sorry. I just couldn't resist.)