Brynwood Needleworks - My Sister, Di and Ceri - Ceri's "Gotcha Day" |
I was at home, waiting to hear from Handsome that he'd accomplished his "benchmarks" so he could come home. The telephone rang, and the ringtone identified it as my sister, Diana. I could tell from her voice that she was upset, so I asked if she was alright. She wasn't.
You may remember one of Tag's 2013 posts
HERE, when we told you about our trip from Sarasota, FL to Wisconsin with this sweet, little, rescued Corgi. When we were asked if we knew someone who might be interested in this pup (who'd lived on the street for who-knows-how-long), I immediately thought of my sister. She said she
absolutely wanted this dog, and set the wheels in motion for us to deliver her to Wisconsin.
We picked her up and took her home to live with us (still living in Florida then) until our annual summer trip north in the Airstream,. Di called to tell me she'd chosen the name, "Ceri", asking us to use it for the few weeks the pup be with us, so she could get used to hearing it. Read the post in the link to see their first meeting, while I fast forward to yesterday.
Wracked with tears and a broken voice, Diana told me that Ceri died in her arms yesterday. No symptoms. No warning. No indication that there was anything wrong. Ceri chose National Pet Day to cross over The Rainbow Bridge, and this little dog who, aside from when Diana had to go to work, was always with, and devoted to my sister. Their love knew no bounds.
I know Ceri will let Diana know she'll always be near - even though Di won't be able to reach out and touch her. She'll come to Di in her dreams (as my Bannor has done with me), but that won't ease the pain of this loss. I know nothing I could say would ease her deep grief, but the depth of her grief is a reflection of the deep, deep love she had for this little dog. (I'll never forget how you all reached out to me when I unexpectedly lost Fezzik ten years ago. That loss will still bring me to tears when I think about him, and today I felt it all over again.) I cried with her, and when I disconnected our call, I cried some more.
Handsome called, and told me when we could expect he'd be released from the hospital. I pulled myself together and told him I'd be there for all his discharge instructions. I went from crying my heart out for my sister's loss, to ecstatic that my dear husband could come home. I actually felt a tinge of guilt.
I cuddled Tag (which he reacts to in typical "boy" fashion), and took him along to get Handsome. We were back home by late afternoon and we got Handsome settled in. Once he was comfy, I sat down to check the comments on yesterday's post. Thanks to everyone who weighed in on my table runner project.
Here's what I'm going to do. Yes, I'm going to add a bumblebee. I'm going to add more stitching to my butterfly, and (thanks, Marcy) I'm going to lengthen the antennae on the butterfly, too! When I look again with new eyes, I agree those additions will really complete my piece. I'm going to add all your suggestions today. I think after the past couple of days, I need more than a little needle dancing.