May 21, 2024

Stormy Weather...

We woke up to cloudy skies yesterday, and it got more interesting by mid-morning. Handsome had errands to run, and this is what the sky looked like to the southwest from the farmhouse as he was driving off to town. There were lots of angry clouds rolling in, and you could smell the rain on the wind.

Before long, it was pouring, leaving lots of much-needed rain for all the surrounding yards and fields. It was a perfect day for baking bread, so I got out the supplies and started the dough.

Whether you refer to downpours as "gully washers", "cats & dogs",  "toad strangler", or Handsome's favorite "turd floaters", I could hardly see out the windows of the kitchen for a little while. Thankfully, there weren't strong winds, so although there was a lot of rain all at once, there was no damage around here. Our neighbor to the north did text me to ask if our power was out (we never lost power), but sent another message within the hour saying her power was back on.

Before long, this first storm rolled through and offered this view toward Lake Michigan. We had light showers (and a little thunder) throughout the rest of the day, and you could almost see the grass and crops green up by the hour.

When all was said and done, we had four fresh loaves of bread and eight hamburger buns. It was a very good start to the week. I also put Destiny to work embroidering my name on my work shirts, so I don't have to worry about forgetting my name tag anymore. I did spend a little more time sorting through things I want to move out of the studio, too. I actually accomplished quite a bit by the end of the day.

I work today and tomorrow, so we'll see whether or not I'm able to stitch when I get back home. My hands are still sore, but I'm attributing it to the change in the weather. I'm expecting a change in my hands with the rain moving on. I really would like to get back to those little frogs!

May 20, 2024

Second Try Success...

I need to write a note to self. If I'm going to garden one day, I can plan not to stitch for at least the next two. My hands were suffering after my recent foray into the garden. I was unable to comfortably hold a needle, and going back for a second day of weeding was also out of the question. Lesson learned (for now).

So, when Sunday rolled around, I wanted to try the lilac jelly again. The blossoms are peak right now, so they'll be off the bushes within a couple days. I hoped to make up a fully successful batch before it was too late this year.

I went back through my recipes to find the one I originally used for my flower blossom jellies, and compared them to the one I used earlier last week. There were definitely differences. I pulled out all my supplies and picked blossoms to make a single batch.

I followed the recipe except for one thing. It called for food coloring to change the color of the jelly, but I added about two tablespoons of fresh lemon instead (an ingredient from the recipe I used last week), to naturally change the color away from a dull green to this pretty pink/peach. 

The tall jar in the back right of this photograph was a planned first use jar that didn't go through the water bath. I actually knew it wouldn't fit in the pot I used to process the jars, so we'll eat that one first. 

This time everything came together perfectly. It was already jelling before I could get it into the jars! A short 10 minute water bath and all the jars pinged when they came out of the canner. 

After this was done yesterday, I spent a little time just sitting outdoors and enjoying the sunshine, and Handsome and I had a nice dinner together last night. We've had a Cameron™Stovetop Smoker for the past 30 or so years, but I've only used it one or two times. It can be used stovetop, on the grill, in the oven, or even over a campfire.

We pulled it out to try the stovetop method on a couple of nice ribeye steaks. Twenty minutes in the smoker with hickory chips, and then finish browning them in melted butter in my cast iron pan. (Is your mouth watering yet?) The result was another kitchen toy that will definitely see more action in the future.

I don't work again until tomorrow, so I'm going to attempt a little frog stitching today. I don't think I'll be able to marathon stitch - as I love to do - but I should be able to make some progress nonetheless. 

Here we go with another new week. I'll be back tomorrow, and hope you will, too!

May 19, 2024

May 18, 2024

A Riot of Hollyhocks...

Ignore the ham in the foreground. She's such an attention mooch! I took this photo to show you the bullies that are again taking over my kitchen garden.

I actually have lavendar, English daisies, delphiniums, and hostas in this garden, and you might even notice there are walk lights in there, too. Of course, you can't see the light they throw because those hollyhocks are relentless. This is what I have to thin out...soon. There are too many hiding places here for two predatory cats, and I need to protect the birds as best I'm able.

So, this is the area I'll tackle this weekend. I think I'm going to add some sort of retaining fencing in front of the hollyhocks that remain. It will keep them from falling forward, and it will act as a barrier between hidden felines and unsuspecting birds. 

I'll show you what I end up with after the weekend. I hope it will look a lot different, and be much improved for the rest of my plants...among other things. I guess I'll begin by taking some measurements and heading over to the farm store for some fencing and mulch. Coffee first, and then I'm off to get my supplies.

May 17, 2024

Dancing With Frogs...

Needle dancing, of course. I accomplished quite a bit yesterday. I took care of all the girls first (Bella, Carly, Claudette and Crystal), ran the vacuum and tidied up around the farmhouse, weeded the corner of the retaining wall (removing the volunteer crown vetch that threatened to kill the plants I put in last summer), and then sat down to stitch for a while.

I managed to add the eyes and "brows" to all the frogs, and then started outlining each one with the gold super pearl purl. I still have two to do, which I'm hoping to get done today. 

I'm going to wait until after our next rainfall to tackle the kitchen garden, as I think it might be a bit easier to pull the offending plants when the ground is softer. Plus, I don't really want to spend the day on my knees before I have to go to work. Perhaps I can get to that tomorrow.

I'd like to get all the outlining finished on these guys first, and then do the detail around the eyes and across their backs done today. Then, I'll fill in each one before moving to the next.

It's hard to believe it's already Friday again. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm looking forward to spending that time outdoors. More work on my frogs first. I'll share my progress tomorrow!

May 16, 2024

In The Garden...

Sunshine and weeding were on the agenda for this week's Hump Day. Handsome helped me dig weeds out of my raised beds, and we added ash from our burn barrel to each one. I'm also going to get some sand, mushroom fertilizer from the local mushroom farm, and a little more soil to add to each bed. 

For now, though, we raked in the ash and I covered the beds with cardboard (to try) to keep the dandelions that are going to seed from settling in the newly-tilled soil. 

This lilac bush has grown quite a bit since we purchased our farmhouse, and it's close to where we worked, so the sweet fragrance from these blooms filled the air. We actually have lilacs all the way around the farmhouse, some likely established when the house was built. Those are now beautiful sentries stationed right at the edge of our hedgerow leading to The Habitat where I first fed the opossums, raccoons and the feral cats. 

This spring, I took all the pineapple scraps from my canning day down to The Habitat, and was pleasantly surprised to watch four deer move across the field right into the spot where I'd left everything. When I checked the next day, everything was gone. I'm sure they figured they'd located the Mother Lode of sweet treats that afternoon!

Anyway, exercising an abundance of caution (I didn't want a sore back to end the day), we managed to clean out three of the four raised beds, leaving one to go. I'm going to clear that one today. I'll also bring out my planting bags, garden tubs and other accessories. Then, I can decide how I want to plant everything this year, and it will be set up to go. 

Right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to add a few rows of straw bales to try straw bale gardening this year. If I do, our neighbor will have some for me. I just need to ask. I think I'd use them for tomatoes, beans, or squash, but I can't make up my mind. I'm torn, because truthfully, the garden beds yielded quite a bit last year without them. Then there's the maintenance part. Do I want to increase my work load? Decisions. Decisions.

No. I'm not one of those people who pore over gardening books and planting diagrams all winter. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda girl. I suppose it could get me in trouble one of these years, but so far it's working, so I'm not going to "fix" it.

I'm also going to have to spend some serious time in the kitchen garden. Those glorious, persistent hollyhocks are already knee-high and trying to take over the entire area. If I want to see any light whatsoever from our walkway fixtures, I'm going to have to thin them out...soon. Otherwise, they'll be even more ensconced and nearly impossible to remove. I thought I had them under control last fall, but I was obviously woefully mistaken. I'll take before and after photos to show you what I mean.

So, I'll be back outside again this morning and work until it gets too hot...unless it decides to which point, I'll be back at my needlework, joyfully working on frogs. If the weather holds, I'll stay in the gardens until noon. Then, I'll come in, shower, and stitch away the rest of the day.

Handsome is going to the funeral of a good friend and former associate of ours. Bob Fehring passed away late last week. He worked on photo missions with Handsome when they both worked for Mercury Marine, and he had his own advertising agency. 

He's the artist who created my original Brynwood logo which was used in all my advertising and on my needlework charts from the very beginning of Brynwood Needleworks in 1989. While I've slightly changed colors over the years, the design has remained the same.

We remember afternoon-into-evening photo shoots with Handsome, Bob and me, as we set up the cover designs featuring my samplers. He was such an easy man to work with. We were nearly always on the same page, and only a few times did we need to tweak from my vision to his execution. 

Although we haven't seen him in years, he's come to mind frequently because I work with his art regularly. We're both saddened by his passing, so Handsome will represent us at his celebration of life. There will be other folks in attendance he had in common with Handsome, so I'm sure there will be a nice reunion in his honor. He was a great guy and will be missed. The world was a better place with him in it. RIP, old friend.

May 14, 2024

A View From The Farmhouse...

I have so many things on my To Do list right now, that sometimes I just need to sit on the porch and soak in one of our views. This was taken as the sun was disappearing to the west (over my right shoulder as I look at this). The clouds were just begging to be photographed.

So, I want to work on my frogs, I need to update my Etsy listings, the gardens need to be weeded, tilled and prepared for seeds and plants, and I'm still purging "clutter". 

I think I'm going to set aside about a half hour each day to pull things to be tossed, given away or donated, and put those things into boxes or bags as I work toward that goal. You know. You can eat an elephant if you focus on one bite at a time (something I heard years ago about goal-setting). So, little bites of that project might be better and more efficient than setting aside a week to do the same thing.

I'd love to hire some teenagers to come and weed my garden, but I'd still need to supervise so the good things wouldn't be pulled, so either way, it will require my time. I think I may focus on that for a few hours today to see what I'm able to accomplish myself. Then, when my knees and back cry "uncle", I'll come in, clean up, and then work on my frogs.

Oh, and I have a hair appointment at 3 this afternoon. See how my attention gets diverted? Look! a squirrel! lol I think I'm going back to writing physical lists. I seem to accomplish more, especially if I start blocking out task times. 

How do you manage your time? Do you write lists? How about an alarm clock or timer? I'd love to read your ideas. I'm open to anything (within reason). Share away!

 PS. The lilac jelly set up (most of the jars, anyway). I'm happy - for now - with the results.

Lilac Jelly...

Yesterday was lilac jelly day. By the time I finished, there were sixteen 4 ounce jars and eight 8 ounce jars of mild, sweet goodness for the pantry.

I made a double batch, which I've done before, but after water bathing the first batch, I didn't feel like it was going to set up, so I emptied all the jars, added more pectin and re-jarred everything. As of bedtime last night, it appeared to be turning into a jelly, but I think it may be a day or so before I'm confident. I really don't want to have to rework it again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I can say it tastes delicious, so I'm happy with that part. The jars are beautiful, and I'm looking forward to creating a lovely pound cake to become the base layer for said lilac loveliness.

I'm working today, but will be back to stitching on my frogs this afternoon after I get back home. Nothing like a little needle dancing to end the day.

May 13, 2024

Last Four Giveaway Frogs On Deck...

I've started the last four giveaway frogs that will go to Clara, Marilyn, Terry and Jody! It won't be too long and they will be on their way to each of you! Three will become fobs and one will be a brooch, per their requests. Three will be green, and one will be "stitcher's choice".

These are going to be fun to create for each of you.  I love trying to choose unique color combinations for each one. I hope you'll all enjoy watching them progress! 

I'm back to my regular work schedule now, so I'm looking forward to stitching, canning, and getting our garden under way. I'm going to be updating my Etsy shop this week, too! Working more than that takes away from the homekeeping things I love so much. This is going to be a great week, and I hope you'll follow along.

May 12, 2024

May 11, 2024

More Cider and New Colors...

Sorry for today's late post. Last night at work was exhausting, but I'm not going to talk about that today. Brush it off and move on. 

The mail came today with new colors for my goldwork supplies. These are all new bright check purls. I ordered more in the color I used for my corgi brooch (cider), as well as some new greens for frogs. 

I'll be setting up the last four frogs today, and begin working on them so I can get them mailed out soon.

I'm working again tomorrow - yes, Mother's Day - so the kids who work at the store can be with their moms - so I want to make the most of today. Next week, I'll be back to my regular schedule of Tuesdays during the day, and short Friday nights. I'm going to do my best to stick with that so that I can do the homekeeping things I love so much during the summer...canning, gardening, and being here with Handsome. (I saw the light last night.)

I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day tomorrow - whether or not you're a mom, or still have yours with you. Simply take it easy and enjoy the day. Let someone pamper you for a change. You deserve it. I love you and value your friendship, and hope to see you back here on Monday to see what kind of progress I made on my frogs.

May 10, 2024

We woke up to overcast and cool weather yesterday, so I knew it was a perfect day to spend baking. I began with farmhouse bread, and while the loaves went through the process of rising, folding, repeat, I made the dough for the cinnamon rolls.

No. These aren't all for us. I definitely know my boundaries, so we share. Some will go up the hill, and this time I'm also sharing with a couple friends from work. One of the gals bartered venison and halibut for some of our canned delights. I'm adding baked goods when I see her today. I do love bartering!

I work from 10-7 today, so I'll be away most of the day while Handsome and the girls hold down the fort. This weekend, I'll be setting up the last of the frog brooches to make into scissor fobs and brooches. It's time to send them hopping to their new homes. I'll probably set them up on Saturday so I can start on them right away.

Did you notice the fresh lilacs in the background of my picture? The blossoms are just beginning to open up. I think that means there will be lilac jelly in the near future, too! If you've never tried it, you don't know what you're missing. I don't make it "perfume" strong, so it only has a lilac hint, but served on pound cake with a little whipped cream is heavenly. Yes. I'm sure there will be lilac jelly again this year.

Are you ready for the weekend? Do you have plans for Mother's Day? Are you creating something fun right now? I'd love to hear about it!

May 9, 2024

Dog Work 0r Working Dog?...

Earlier in the week, I watched as Handsome got the girls outside to stretch out a bit. The weather was just right for a little training and fetching. Carly went first. Get the bumper out into the field, and then send her.

Well, that was easy. Of course, she went straight to it and ran back as fast as she could to deliver it back to Handsome. Carly would do this until she dropped. She's a real fetching fool.

Mama Bella quietly watched over the exercises, wondering when it would be her turn. She stood up a few times during the throws, but sat and patiently critiqued her kid. Not bad, Carly. Not bad.

Bella said it was time to show her daughter just how it's done. Of course, Bella never misses. Straight out and straight back - even on blind retrieves (the ones she doesn't see being placed). She's a joy to behold...a real thing of beauty to see her work.

Watching her return with her retrieve - even if it's a plastic bumper - is enough to make your eyes water. Her daughter is definitely stylish, but this is the dog from whom Carly inherited her drive, brains, and talent.

Pay attention, Carly. You may yet learn a thing or two from your mama. Bella still has a lot to teach you, so stay alert.

Another morning training session in the books, and just enough to take the "p & v" out of this youngster - at least for half the day. When she's really cranked up, they'll get a second session in the afternoon, but I'm not kidding. They'd both do this until they drop. We'll be right back at it again tomorrow.

May 8, 2024

Prototype Complete!...

 I finished my Ltd. Ed Corgi Brooch last night after work. It is now, officially a brooch.

I'm very happy with the details and color choices, so the next one will go even faster. Plus, I'll be able to fine tune the colors if someone should purchase one in different colors.  The brooch measures approximately 2" tall x 1 1/4" wide (at the base). Which I think might be a perfect size to affix to a lapel or on a jacket. The pin is backed with cork fabric.

Of course, I signed and attached my signature acorn to the back. The second one I make will be the fundraiser piece. I'm going to share this on Facebook to whet the appetites of the Corgi owners we refer to as "Corgi Nation". They're wonderful when raising funds to support CorgiAid, and I think they'll kinda like this little brooch.

I'll probably do an Etsy listing, too, that would be created after purchase, in case the colors need to be changed for the different Corgi colorations. The listing will go live some time tomorrow. We had storms yesterday, but I'm hoping it clears off today so I can take a short video to add to the listing.

I'm filling in for another coworker today from 11-4, so I'd better get cracking. I don't want to be late!

May 7, 2024

Then, I Danced...

I was able to sit at my needlework stand yesterday, and I completed the goldwork for my Lt. Ed. Corgi Brooch. I'm so tickled with how the first one turned out! 

The body of the Corgi is a bright check purl color called "cider" and the white ruff is a thread in an opal color. It really sparkles in the light, and once the brooch is complete, I'll do a little outdoor video to show you just how much the light bounces around on the purls.

I'm hoping to release the work from the ground fabric and turn it into a brooch when I get home from work late this afternoon. I really can't wait to see it finished now. 

May 6, 2024

A Whole Lotta Nothing...

The weather was absolutely gorgeous yesterday, but I helped out a coworker who needed time off by working her 12:30 - 9 pm shift. I was indoors all day. Inside, looking out. Did I tell you how nice it was outdoors?

One thing I've noticed that I don't bounce back like I did in my younger days. After working from 4-10 pm Thursday last, I needed a day to just rest up. Then, on Friday I lounged around until it was time to get gussied up for our grandson's graduation. We were with family for the rest of the evening. We got back home around 9:30 pm. 

Consequently, I spent most of Saturday doing absolutely nothing. I thought about making hickory syrup. I thought about stitching on my Corgi brooch. I thought about baking bread and rhubarb custard pie. But in the end, all I did was think about it, accomplishing positively nothing. Sunday was back to work for a closing shift at the store, and another day where I have (almost) nothing to show you.

I do have this sweet photograph I took of Claudette, resting among the dandelions. She was watching Handsome running retrieves with Bella and Carly. That little sloth, Crystal, has become quite the couch potato. She's happy to go outdoors with Claudette for ten minutes or so, but then she can be found singing at the top of her lungs to be let back in. (I think it's adorable. Handsome, not so much.)

So, knowing that I'll be working again on Tuesday from 10 am - 4 pm, I'm going to work on my Corgi brooch today. The hickory syrup and bread can wait for another day. I'm not going to stress about it. I'll eventually get to it. I don't consider it procrastinating. I'm more concerned with the self-care that's needed more right now. I know you understand.

Tomorrow, I'm going to share training photos of the girls. The Labradors. (You know cats can't be trained, or can they?) Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow and show you what our Bella and Carly have been up to. They're a blast to watch in action! 

May 5, 2024

May 4, 2024

Grandson's Graduation...

Grandson earned his Master's Degree in Business yesterday, and we couldn't be prouder. He's graduating cum laude from Concordia College right here in Wisconsin. The second part of his graduation is this afternoon, but due to limited seating, we won't be there, as his other grandparents will be filling the reserved family seats. We attended this ceremony instead. 

The second part of his graduation is his Bachelor's Degree in Business...yes, the two are chronologically backward, but the important part is that he earned both degrees within a four year time frame, and that he did so with a cum laude grade point average. Also notable, is that he accomplished that and traveled to Australia for study, and business classes in London while he completed his work.

Our elder son and his wife were appropriately proud of our Grandson. Because he graduated with honors, we sat with his parents and about four other families in the very front row of the auditorium. We were "VIPs" because he worked so hard. We even sat in front of all the graduates waiting to be presented with their diplomas!

After the ceremony, we all walked out to the shoreline of Lake Michigan - this portion of the shoreline belongs to the college - to take a few photographs. The weather cooperated fully, too, and it was a gorgeous day for a graduation.

We met with the rest of our family and some of Grandson's friends at a local restaurant, and shared a celebratory meal together. We're all so proud of our guy, and all that he's accomplished. He's definitely due a well-earned rest.

I'd just like to share one short story with you before I close this post. When we woke up yesterday, Handsome and I each had a song in our heads. This happens frequently, and we tell each other what we've been "hearing" each time it happens. During our conversation, I said something about something that had the word "foundation" in it. As often is the case, that triggered a musical thought. 

I asked Handsome if he remembered the hymn "The Church's One Foundation". He didn't know, so I began singing it to him. He recognized part of it, so I went to YouTube to play it for him. After I played it, I hit the replay - this time singing along. Fast forward to mid-afternoon.

The college is a faith-based campus, so the graduation ceremony began with the processional, a prayer - and a hymn. The music started and Handsome looked at me in shock. He said, "You just sang this this morning!" Son and daughter-in-law looked at us and said, "What?". We explained after the hymn finished.

Can you believe it? What a coincidence to have - out of all the hymns I know and love - this exact hymn be the one in my head this morning. I had to share the story with you to help me commit it to my blog memories, even though I'm not likely to ever forget this one!

I'm going to come back to earth after being on Cloud Nine all day yesterday. I think hickory syrup is in my immediate future...after my morning cuppa. I hope you have a great weekend!

May 3, 2024

I got a chance to get a little stitching in yesterday. My choice, by far, over standing on my feet making hickory syrup for a few hours before going to work for six hours. 

In the time I had to lose myself in this project, I managed to add the chipping to my Corgi's face. I still have to do the white on his paws, but I really wanted to finish the facial features before turning my attention back to the white couching. I'm glad I did. I love the look of the cider-colored brilliant check thread, with a bit of gold accenting the ear and the forehead area (referred to as a "stop" on dogs).

I'll work on this again on Saturday, and hope to complete it over the weekend. I do work on Sunday, filling in for another clerk who needed the time off. She'll be working a day for me next week.

Well? Do you like how he's looking so far? I think he'll make a beautiful brooch, and I'm looking forward to seeing this one to completion. Then, I'll make another for a CorgiAid fund raiser in honor of Tag. I hope to raise some money to help other Corgis in need.

We have a milestone occasion this weekend, and I can't wait to tell you about it...tomorrow. Happy Friday!!

May 1, 2024

I Was At It Again...

The day began with my trusty sidekick sleeping on my foot as I perused some of my canning cookbooks. She opened her eyes when Handsome stopped to take this picture. Once I decided what I was going to do, she had to relocate so I could move. She did keep my foot warm for a while, though.

I grabbed my trusty British Kilner pot and put all my thawed strawberries into it. I didn't drain off the liquid, which would come back to bite me later. sigh

This is what I took out of the water bath...fourteen beautiful jars of strawberry jam...that wouldn't set up. I went back to my books to learn that it was probably because of all that liquid I retained with the berries.

As I didn't need fourteen jars of ice cream topping (what I do with runny jam), I decided to redo them, adding another package of Certo to the pot - and removing some of the liquid from each jar as I poured it back into my by-then clean pot. After all was said and done, I had eleven half-pint jars of jam. Good enough!

I did a little rearranging in the end pantry cabinets. I still have space for the hickory syrup, which I didn't do yesterday. Perhaps I'll get to that this morning. I work from 4-10 pm today, standing in for someone else, so I'll have my morning tea and see how I feel. I might stitch on the corgi brooch for a while instead.

Yes, those are eggs on the bottom shelf. They still have the bloom to protect them, so they needn't be refrigerated. Behind the divider is my large jar of water glassed eggs, too. Still saving those for a rainy day. 

I have thirteen or fourteen gallon-size ziplocs of beautiful Roma tomatoes in the freezer. (Did you know that frozen tomatoes sound like billiard balls when they knock together? Yep.) Those will become homemade Rotel™, homemade pizza sauce, and stewed tomatoes. I'll do those soon, too, to free up space in the freezer, as well as refill the pantry until the vegetable garden yields in late summer/early fall. I still have to get the beds ready for planting. That won't be for a couple weeks, unless I can steal an hour here or there before then.
It's going to be a busy spring, for sure. The weather is gorgeous these days, so I want to get as much done inside as possible, to be able to spend more free time outdoors. It was a relatively mild, but long winter and I'm anxious to enjoy our Wisconsin spring and summer. Alas, it will be over far too soon.