May 8, 2024

Prototype Complete!...

 I finished my Ltd. Ed Corgi Brooch last night after work. It is now, officially a brooch.

I'm very happy with the details and color choices, so the next one will go even faster. Plus, I'll be able to fine tune the colors if someone should purchase one in different colors.  The brooch measures approximately 2" tall x 1 1/4" wide (at the base). Which I think might be a perfect size to affix to a lapel or on a jacket. The pin is backed with cork fabric.

Of course, I signed and attached my signature acorn to the back. The second one I make will be the fundraiser piece. I'm going to share this on Facebook to whet the appetites of the Corgi owners we refer to as "Corgi Nation". They're wonderful when raising funds to support CorgiAid, and I think they'll kinda like this little brooch.

I'll probably do an Etsy listing, too, that would be created after purchase, in case the colors need to be changed for the different Corgi colorations. The listing will go live some time tomorrow. We had storms yesterday, but I'm hoping it clears off today so I can take a short video to add to the listing.

I'm filling in for another coworker today from 11-4, so I'd better get cracking. I don't want to be late!


  1. It looks great!
    Tag will love it!
    We had some terrible storms here off & on yesterday.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much. I hope I've done it justice. I was working yesterday and the station is on a hill on Hwy. 23 East of Fond du Lac. I could see all the weather coming, and then it would just blow and pour. I was glad to be inside! Hope you got through it with no damage.

  2. Awww - absolutely adorable! I'm sure you'll have no trouble selling these.
    Heard on the news about the horrible storms in the US - stay safe!

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks so much! I hope the few I'll make will raise a lot of money for CorgiAid! I haven't had a chance to see reports, but I did see a few storm photos posted by a friend. The clouds were definitely dark and foreboding! We're fine here. There's a certain confidence that comes with living in a home that's survived over a hundred years of what nature can throw at it. Even so, I take nothing for granted.

  3. Sherry of createology: I believe the Corgi Nation will love this Ltd. Edition Tag Corgi Brooch. A brooch can also be placed on a pillow or curtain tie back or any place one enjoys seeing such a beautiful piece of hand work beading. On a hat, scarf, etcetera…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Oh, thank you so much for saying so. So many great ideas. I'm thinking of putting together some sort of shadow box frame to protect all my "firsts". I'll have to see what I can come up with. I'm sure loving your little watercolors, too!

  4. You can just see all that personality.
    The color choices are wonderful.


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Blessings, Donna