May 29, 2024

Finally! Back To This Project...

After taking some time off to spend with Handsome, working ten hours on Sunday, and another six yesterday, I'm finally off "work" until Friday evening. That means I can do some needle dancing and homekeeping - my two favorite things - beside spending time with my husband, of course.

I managed to get this far on the frogs before I had to work on Sunday, and you can see I only got half the legs done on the frog in the 3 o'clock position. I'm couching down the gold super pearl purl, and will finish that one first. I'm also going to determine the placement for the crown on one of the frogs before I go further on that one. 

After I've done that much, I'll couch in the details around the eyes and body before getting down to the sparkly bits. Isn't it fun that each one seems to have its own personality? That will become more apparent as I fill in each their unique colors. 

I admit, the last few work days have me a bit tired, but needlework always restores me. I know this will be a great day. I hope for the same for you!


  1. That was a long day for you on Sunday, I hope you got some rest.
    The Froggies are looking good!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      No kidding! I didn't get home until after 9:30 and man, were my feet tired. I don't really plan to do any more of those stints. I'll leave that for the younger folks. I like to be home in my jammies at that hour on a Sunday. lol Thanks! I'm happy with the way the frogs are shaping up, too. More soon.

  2. The froggies look as though they're having a great conversation together. Looking forward to seeing the crowns.

    1. Hi MA:
      They're having a wee pow wow! lol Soon, my dear. Soon.

  3. Frogs in the round, who is going to take the first leap?
    What a jam packed weekend, but always great.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I'm not sure yet, but will reveal more soon. It's awfully good to be home again. My very favorite place to be.

  4. Sherry of createology: May you enjoy an entire week of your favorite things dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thank you, sweet friend. This is definitely my happy place. While I love getting out, long days wear me out, and make me appreciate being home even more. I'm glad to get back to my regular ten hour weeks. That's quite enough for me.


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Blessings, Donna