May 9, 2024

Dog Work 0r Working Dog?...

Earlier in the week, I watched as Handsome got the girls outside to stretch out a bit. The weather was just right for a little training and fetching. Carly went first. Get the bumper out into the field, and then send her.

Well, that was easy. Of course, she went straight to it and ran back as fast as she could to deliver it back to Handsome. Carly would do this until she dropped. She's a real fetching fool.

Mama Bella quietly watched over the exercises, wondering when it would be her turn. She stood up a few times during the throws, but sat and patiently critiqued her kid. Not bad, Carly. Not bad.

Bella said it was time to show her daughter just how it's done. Of course, Bella never misses. Straight out and straight back - even on blind retrieves (the ones she doesn't see being placed). She's a joy to behold...a real thing of beauty to see her work.

Watching her return with her retrieve - even if it's a plastic bumper - is enough to make your eyes water. Her daughter is definitely stylish, but this is the dog from whom Carly inherited her drive, brains, and talent.

Pay attention, Carly. You may yet learn a thing or two from your mama. Bella still has a lot to teach you, so stay alert.

Another morning training session in the books, and just enough to take the "p & v" out of this youngster - at least for half the day. When she's really cranked up, they'll get a second session in the afternoon, but I'm not kidding. They'd both do this until they drop. We'll be right back at it again tomorrow.


  1. They are both beautiful, well trained dogs.

    1. Thank you, dear Marilyn. They sure are fun, too.
      Happy Mother's Day Weekend, my friend.

  2. They don't look upon all that running and fetching as being work so of course they're having a blast. I would imagine Handsome is too, just watching the sheer joy radiating from them.

    1. Hi MA:
      You're so right! They absolutely LOVE doing this. As far as Handsome is concerned, he's so darn proud of the girls and his hard work with them shows when they retrieve for him. Perhaps I'll do a video sometime soon, so people can see just how pretty they are in motion.
      Happy Mother's Day Weekend, dear.

  3. Such beautiful, hardworking girls.


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Blessings, Donna