May 10, 2024

We woke up to overcast and cool weather yesterday, so I knew it was a perfect day to spend baking. I began with farmhouse bread, and while the loaves went through the process of rising, folding, repeat, I made the dough for the cinnamon rolls.

No. These aren't all for us. I definitely know my boundaries, so we share. Some will go up the hill, and this time I'm also sharing with a couple friends from work. One of the gals bartered venison and halibut for some of our canned delights. I'm adding baked goods when I see her today. I do love bartering!

I work from 10-7 today, so I'll be away most of the day while Handsome and the girls hold down the fort. This weekend, I'll be setting up the last of the frog brooches to make into scissor fobs and brooches. It's time to send them hopping to their new homes. I'll probably set them up on Saturday so I can start on them right away.

Did you notice the fresh lilacs in the background of my picture? The blossoms are just beginning to open up. I think that means there will be lilac jelly in the near future, too! If you've never tried it, you don't know what you're missing. I don't make it "perfume" strong, so it only has a lilac hint, but served on pound cake with a little whipped cream is heavenly. Yes. I'm sure there will be lilac jelly again this year.

Are you ready for the weekend? Do you have plans for Mother's Day? Are you creating something fun right now? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Mmmm, all of the baked goods look so delicious!
    I never heard of Lilac Jelly.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks! Lilac jelly is a light infusion of lilac in spring water (steeped like a tea for about 10-15 minutes, any longer and it's too perfume-y for jelly). Add sugar and pectin and boil until ready. Water bath can like you would any jelly. It's delightful on pound cake with whipped cream!

  2. My goodness, you've been busy! And working all those hours too - almost seems like your part-time job is turning into full time! I love lilacs but can't be near them anymore. Don't know how I'd react to eating the jelly but I'd certainly like to give it a try sometime.

    1. Hi MA:
      Too busy. Last night was pretty awful. I was alone with the teenagers - and I don't have the authority or knowledge to keep the kitchen running smoothly. They were a disaster. I'm going back to my regular "don't give a ......" hours, and not carting the responsibility for their behavior around on my shoulders another second. I'll be informing my boss next time I see her. If it's an issue, you know what I'll do, right? Yep. I love being home at the farmhouse full time. Once I make up the jelly, I'll send you a small jar to try.

    2. It seems like most teenagers these days don't have much of a work ethic, as our #1 son who is the chef will definitely attest. It's not only the teens, it's adults too. Our son ends up having to go in to cover extra shifts because people just don't show up and don't bother to let anybody know they won't be there. They just up and quit without any notice too.
      Thank you for the sweet offer of a taste of your jelly, but please don't - the postage would be nuts and most likely it would be stopped at the border anyway.

  3. I've never heard of Lilac Jelly.
    The baking looks so delicious.
    It's been cool here, mid 40's, rain, rain go away.
    And another week in the books.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      You make it just like you'd make any "juice" jelly. I pick and wash the blossoms, steep them in spring water like a tea, no longer than 10-15 minutes or the fragrance is too strong. Strain our the blossoms, and then prepare like any jelly. We had storms last night, too (Friday), and although today is windy, it's beautiful outside.
      Happy Mother's Day, dear.

  4. Another one of those posts I wish I could scratch and sniff 😊. Your picture looks like it's straight out of Better Homes and Gardens. The recipients of your baked goods must be so appreciative!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thank you so much, dear. Reading that is a true compliment! I can tell you, the feedback was rewarding. I think everyone loves their treats. As for me, I'm going to relax and stitch today.


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Blessings, Donna