May 17, 2024

Dancing With Frogs...

Needle dancing, of course. I accomplished quite a bit yesterday. I took care of all the girls first (Bella, Carly, Claudette and Crystal), ran the vacuum and tidied up around the farmhouse, weeded the corner of the retaining wall (removing the volunteer crown vetch that threatened to kill the plants I put in last summer), and then sat down to stitch for a while.

I managed to add the eyes and "brows" to all the frogs, and then started outlining each one with the gold super pearl purl. I still have two to do, which I'm hoping to get done today. 

I'm going to wait until after our next rainfall to tackle the kitchen garden, as I think it might be a bit easier to pull the offending plants when the ground is softer. Plus, I don't really want to spend the day on my knees before I have to go to work. Perhaps I can get to that tomorrow.

I'd like to get all the outlining finished on these guys first, and then do the detail around the eyes and across their backs done today. Then, I'll fill in each one before moving to the next.

It's hard to believe it's already Friday again. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm looking forward to spending that time outdoors. More work on my frogs first. I'll share my progress tomorrow!


  1. The Froggies are looking good!

  2. Every time I see your froggies I get an ear worm - 'A Froggie Would a Wooing Go" (and yes, you're welcome!).

    1. Hi MA:
      Great! Now I'm humming it. lol
      Happy Weekend.

  3. The tadpoles are transforming.
    Now that the rain has stopped here and a bit of a breeze to dry things out a little, sounds like a
    nice weekend and it's a good thing, I have so much to do outside.
    And how did another week get past me?
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I hope you enjoy your yard, too, this weekend. I'm always surprised when another Friday arrives so quickly.
      Happy Weekend!

  4. Sherry of createology: Yhe days are flying by. Another week finished. Froggies are progressing.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You're so right, my friend. Much too quickly.
      Happy Weekend.


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Blessings, Donna