May 21, 2024

Stormy Weather...

We woke up to cloudy skies yesterday, and it got more interesting by mid-morning. Handsome had errands to run, and this is what the sky looked like to the southwest from the farmhouse as he was driving off to town. There were lots of angry clouds rolling in, and you could smell the rain on the wind.

Before long, it was pouring, leaving lots of much-needed rain for all the surrounding yards and fields. It was a perfect day for baking bread, so I got out the supplies and started the dough.

Whether you refer to downpours as "gully washers", "cats & dogs",  "toad strangler", or Handsome's favorite "turd floaters", I could hardly see out the windows of the kitchen for a little while. Thankfully, there weren't strong winds, so although there was a lot of rain all at once, there was no damage around here. Our neighbor to the north did text me to ask if our power was out (we never lost power), but sent another message within the hour saying her power was back on.

Before long, this first storm rolled through and offered this view toward Lake Michigan. We had light showers (and a little thunder) throughout the rest of the day, and you could almost see the grass and crops green up by the hour.

When all was said and done, we had four fresh loaves of bread and eight hamburger buns. It was a very good start to the week. I also put Destiny to work embroidering my name on my work shirts, so I don't have to worry about forgetting my name tag anymore. I did spend a little more time sorting through things I want to move out of the studio, too. I actually accomplished quite a bit by the end of the day.

I work today and tomorrow, so we'll see whether or not I'm able to stitch when I get back home. My hands are still sore, but I'm attributing it to the change in the weather. I'm expecting a change in my hands with the rain moving on. I really would like to get back to those little frogs!


  1. We also had bad rains, but needed.
    I call them Monsoon rains as you can hardly see out of the windows.
    I'm glad you didn't lose power, the skies were very wicked, it was like night time.
    At least you had a productive day!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      We definitely had monsoons last night. Hope you survived without damage. We're fine here. There's a certain security that comes with living in a home that's survived all that Mother Nature has thrown at it over the past hundred plus years. Be safe, my dear.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Sandi:
      I agree. Bella is the one that's not a fan. Hope you're well.

  3. Such a lovely day for getting things done inside the home! For some reason, rainy days like that make it feel so right to be doing things that make home feel even more cozy. 😊 BTW, I can't imagine you needing a nametag...I would think customers would know and love your warm smile and friendly face by now. 😉

    1. Hi Lois:
      You're right. The weather was perfect for homekeeping. I'm glad I'm not the only one who reacts this way. How sweet of you to say so. I try to greet every customer with a smile, a please and a thank you. You might be surprised to know that we have younger clerks who never say please and thank you - even though I stand next to them and say it to the customer for them. They don't even take the hint. sigh It's funny how the other employees notices my embroidered name almost immediately. I offered to do theirs, too, so I think I may have a few takers.
      Thanks again!

  4. We had a couple thunderstorms roll through yesterday and overnight. I hate the middle of the night ones because I can't gauge the sky to see how severe they might be. No rain with the first one but some in the mid-night...don't think it was a downpour though.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm like you. The middle of the night ones are bothersome. We got some serious ones last night. The system that came through brought up to 80 mph winds to the north of us. While we got lots of noise, lightning and rain, thankfully, we didn't get winds that approached that. We brought in the bird feeders and took things off the porch to be safe, so we wouldn't have things blowing across the fields. Better safe than sorry!

  5. 'turd floaters' good one, lol. It's the little things in life, right?
    I'm glad it was a 'safe' storm.
    Yet another very productive day for you.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I read your comment to Handsome, and he giggled. He so hoped that someone would mention his reference. Thanks for enjoying his sense of humor. Tonight's storm was wilder, but thankfully we suffered no damage. I'll survey our yard in the morning to make sure we don't have a huge cleanup. I do worry about the large, old maple in the front yard, but I can't see anything in the dark right now. The rain is still beating against the windows as I write this. ugh!
      Thanks again!

  6. Sherry of createology: We are dry here and in the 90s. Green fields are quite beautiful. Warm fresh bread on a rainy day is so rewarding. You are smart to embroider your name on your work shirts.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Goodness. You've managed to get the heat already. I agree about the green fields. They are lovely. The great thing about baking rolls is that Handsome and I can enjoy them when they're almost fresh from the oven. We have to wait with the bread so it can cool properly. My love sure enjoys them when they're hot with lots of butter! (You know he's the real reason I bake, right?) The other employees loved my embroidered shirts. I see more with different names in my future. lol


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Blessings, Donna