Brynwood Needleworks - Sleepy Tag
Hi, Everybody!
I'd love to say it's been an excitin' week and I got a lot of snufflin' and runnin' in, but truth is, it's been quite borin'. Judgin' from the smell of things, The Kid is still in season, if you know what I mean. I'm exhausted just thinkin' about it.
The best way for me to spend my days is either in my little bed; my own kennel; or better yet, on the rug in front of the back door. That way, I don't miss seein' that black and white kitty-puss when he roams around in the yard!
Brynwood Needleworks - Shenanigans In The Works
Bella spends a lot of time talkin' to Carly about the facts of life. Carly's a real Moanin' Myrtle, 'cuz Boo told me she's got cramps. I'd say poor girl, except she's been makin' me nuts all week. I don't feel one bit bad for her.
I read somewhere about a person who put Vaseline on their dog's nose, so he didn't chase his tail. I not that desperate (yet), so I'll pass, but I was seriously considerin' the idea. I think I'll just avoid as much of Herself as I possibly can until she's back on what passes for normal for her.
Apologies that there wasn't something fresh and excitin' for you to read today. I know you'll understand why I'm less than my effervescent, interestin' and silly ol' self. My olfactory and system responses are under constant attack right now, but this, too, shall pass. Thanks again for droppin' buy
Apologies that there wasn't somethin' fresh and excitin' for you to read today. I know you'll understand why I'm less than my effervescent, interestin' and silly ol' self. My olfactory and system responses are under constant attack right now, but this too shall pass. Better days ahead. Thanks for droppin' by.
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then..."Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"