February 26, 2020

It's What We Do...

Brynwood Needleworks via DivineWalls Etsy Shop
Nothing new from my studio for today. I got a haircut, and spent time with Handsome and my brother-in-law. I took a nap, too. I need to remember that, as I take care of my beloved, I also need to take care of myself. To tell the truth, I'm a little tired. When my head hits the pillow at night, I sleep like a log.

Please don't interpret this as complaining. I love being able to care for my husband whenever he needs me. He does the same for me. We've joked about having t-shirts made that say, "It's what we do." That's exactly who we are. 

I'm going to be in the studio today. Handsome's brother is taking him to physical therapy, so I've got the morning "off". He leaves to go home tomorrow, so I'm welcoming the offered extra hands. I'm going to be setting up my butterfly to get back to working on it, so we'll see if I actually get some stitching time in, too. I'm looking forward to completing my project. I've taken way to long to get this one finished, and I'm anxious to show you my progress. See you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Cherish each other with love and care,it’s what we do too.Take care of Handsome my dear friend and take care of yourself.Hope he has a good speedy recovery.Looking forward to seeing the butterfly brooch,as I remember such intricate work. ❤️❤️


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Blessings, Donna