December 20, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Extra Snuggles...

Hi, Everybody!

We're only five days away from Christmas, and even better - both the house ladies are almost sayin' goodbye their "Aunty Flo". Bella's was most unexpected, considerin' she's been spayed. Mom and Dad are sayin' "mostly spayed" these days. 

As soon as she's done, her lady vet is gonna take another blood test. If the tests show what the vet expects to see, Bella will have to have surgery to remove the bits that were left behind. She won't have that until after Dad gets back from Florida.

The good part though is that her grumpy, grouchy attitude should go away in the next couple of days as soon as her hormones settle down again...and we can't wait. Personally, it's been rough on me, tryin' to stay my sweet self when I want to retaliate for all this barkin' and growlin' every time she sees my face. I'll be real glad when it's all behind us (no pun intended).

The silver lining in this cloud is that Mom and Dad have been real sympathetic to my plight. I get extra cuddles from Dad, and BEST PART? I get to sleep in the bed with Mom every night. It's been so nice! I don't have to listen to the girls snore or make woofie noises in their crates. I get to sleep on my own pillow and sometimes I even sleep late! 

So, I hope Bella gets back to normal pretty soon. She and I are stayin' here with Mom while Dad and Carly head south for a while. We have to get along so we're not stuck doin' shifts in our kennels. That would be a huge bummer.

In the meantime, I'm gonna help Mom make good treats in the kitchen, and we'll all be enjoyin' the next couple weeks. Christmas, then Mom and Dad's anniversary, soon followed by New Year's Eve. Someone needs to tell Bella "'Tis the season to be jolly!" She needs to knock off the drama. Toot sweet!

Merry Christmas, just a tad early. I'll be back next week to tell you what I got from Santa and the elves. 

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"


  1. Oh, I hope Bella is back to normal soon.
    Sounds like a bonus for you though! :)
    I hope your Christmas is fun Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      We hope so, too. You're right, though. I do enjoy the extra attention. Thanks!

  2. Interesting - I've never heard of being partially spayed before but it does explain her being so grumpy doesn't it. Hopefully she regains her sweet disposition in time for Christmas.
    Hope you (and the girls) have a wonderful Christmas Tag!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Mom and Dad never heard of it either. In all the time, with all the lady dogs they've had - and friends had - it's never happened before. Accordin' to our lady vet, the vet who spayed her must have left a part of an ovary, which still functioned enough for her to have her cycle. It's truly awful for her, and we feel bad that she had to go through this. So, once she's done, the vet will take another blood sample to see if the hormones indicate that there's a piece still in her. The worst part, is that they'll have to do a significant incision in order to do the exploration and get it out. We've decided that if she needs surgery, it's gonna wait until spring. It's a dilemma, 'cuz if it is, we know what's causin' her attitude and can get rid of it, but the downside is the invasive surgery. Then, there's always the possibility it's somethin' else...and that's a concern, too. Prayers appreciated for our girl.

  3. Sherry of createology: Tag you are so deserving extra snuggles. Sounds like Bella will be her happy normal self very soon. “Aunty Flo” can be a real dictator!! Enjoy your sweet self and be on the watch for Santa flying through the night soon. Smooches My Little Corgi Cutie…

    1. Thanks, Miss Sherry. I think so, too! Thanks for the good wishes for Bella. We've been so worried about her. Santa flies? Sweet! I've been watchin' the driveway lately, but I start lookin' toward the skies.
      Smooches and Merry Christmas!


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Blessings, Donna