December 30, 2022

In Case You Need A Good Laugh...

Seriously, who doesn't need a good laugh these days? You're in for a real treat today. We spent two nights this past week celebrating Christmas with our sons and their families. It was just the best to be with them.
#1 Son and his family gifted me with this book. As an animal/dog/cat lover, they knew I'd appreciate a little pet art. Well, I haven't laughed this hard in - I think I can safely say - YEARS! Joyful, tearful laughter over the pages in this small publication.
Thanks to the sense of humor and inability (or unwillingness) to accurately portray animals by an Englishman named Hercule Van Wolfwinkle, I spent part of last night reading the captions related to ever single image within the book's covers. At one point, Handsome called up the stairs to ask what was so funny. I was laughing so hard, it was difficult to answer his question.
I told my sister, Jan about the book yesterday and sent her a text with a couple photos. Then I called her, and she was already laughing, too. Then, we both went to his Facebook page HERE (Pet Portraits by Hercule) and we started laughing all over again.   

I'm sharing a few pages from his book here, just to give you a flavor of his work. You might want to grab a Kleenex first. 
 Your first glimpse of things to come. His own beautiful Lab, Narla...and her...em...portrait. not limited to dogs. Oh, no. He can ridicule cats, and people, too! 
Be sure to read the comments from the owners. They're all solid gold...and hilarious.

He even drew a Corgi. Kind of. Sort of. Not really. Oh, dear. 

You'll learn by visiting his Facebook page that he has a second book out, too. Some proceeds of his pet portraits are donated to charity, and he's raised nearly £239,000 to date.
I have to call our son and daughter-in-law and tell them what an absolute joyful gift this was, and like I said, if you're in the mood to laugh, buy one of his books - or head right over to his Facebook page. He has a website now, too HERE. You won't regret it.


  1. Glad you had a nice Christmas.
    That book looks unique & hilarious!

  2. Glad you had a lovely Christmas with your family.Im looking into this book as a family of animal lovers , both my daughters will enjoy this.Happy New Year to all.xx

  3. Looks like a wonderful book - and we can all do with a good laugh. Perfect gift for an animal lover!

  4. Sherry of createology: A good laugh is so needed this year! We are ending this difficult year with a very expensive Deer Strike as we were driving home in the dark and misty wet with lots of oncoming traffic with very bright headlights. Fortunately we are safe and our Jeep Grand Cherokee High Altitude is driveable. The body shop estimate this morning is over $5,000 before they tear it apart and they have no openings before March 2023. Here’s to a New Year of Health and Happiness for all of us!!!


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Blessings, Donna