May 22, 2021

Claudette Update...

Brynwood Needleworks - Claudette's Trip Home
I spent most of yesterday making sure Crystal was safely ensconced in her crate with her babies, and that Mrs. Katz was staying close to home. The weather drizzled and rained on and off, which perfectly reflected my somber mood. I just couldn't whip up any enthusiasm for my late-day task.
By mid-afternoon, I was resigned to my trip, planning how I would get my charges safely to the rescue, and exchange them for Claudette. I hoped the rescue had the logistics figured out because I was a bit stumped. Then, I got a message, telling me the transport was going to be coming in early, so I could bring the ladies and babies an hour earlier to avoid the chaos that occurred with all the people there to pick up their newly spayed/neutered pets. 
I went outside, closed the gate on Crystal's crate and then went to get Mrs. Katz, who'd been in the barn all day. She wasn't there! I stood outside calling for her, and nothin'! I told Handsome it would just be Crystal and her kittens on this trip and left. 
Crystal was not happy. She kept trying to bust out of the crate and she meowed the entire trip. The only time she'd quiet down was when I sang my silly kitty song to her. I told her that she and her babies would be safe, and they'd all end up in nice homes.
I got to the rescue and we took Crystal into her new accommodations. She was a bit stressed, so they turned off the lights and closed the door to let her calm down. I told her I loved her and walked away before the tears might start falling. Then, I went to my car to wait for the transport to arrive with Claudette.
They told me I could just keep her in her transport crate to take her home, and bring it back when I came with Mrs. Katz. 
Brynwood Needleworks - Claudette's Baby Boys!

Claudette's kittens turned out to be all boys! They're all adopted and will be picked up tomorrow by their new owners. They already have names, too! Left to right: Maxim, Jacques, Pierre, and Quincy. They're so cute!

Claudette rode home without making a peep. I sang the song she knows so well, and she flopped right onto her side so I could put my fingers inside the gate and she could feel my touch. Now, I started thinking about Mrs. Katz and how I was going to deal with them encountering each other for the first time. (Mrs. Katz didn't show up until after Claudette left.)

Of course, Katz was in the barn when I came home. I fed her and explained that Crystal was away now, but her mama was back. I kept Claudette in her kennel for the night (because of the spay surgery), and took a little food to her. Katz followed me, and when their eyes met, the hissing ensued. Swell! 

I took Katz to the bench on the other side of my potting shed and fed her, all the while reminding her that this was a Demilitarized Zone, and stood petting her for a long time. I finally went inside, knowing that they couldn't do more than talk smack to each other from opposite sides of the gate on the kennel.

Later, it occurred to me that Claudette might need to air out, so I went to the barn to try to puzzle out the best plan of action. As I was walking across the yard, two eyes glinted in the reflection from my headlamp, and...what the heck? It was Claudette! I apparently hadn't closed the door securely, and I'm sure she'd taken care of business while loose. Vet's instructions said restricted activity for 48 hours. Apparently, Claudette can pick locks, but she can't read. sigh

I met her back inside, where she jumped onto the workbench, rolled over, and wanted petting - which she promptly got. She looked toward the barn door, and I saw another set of eyes. I called to Katz, but when the cat came into the barn, I realized it wasn't her. Leo's back! Dang it! 

Well, Claudette wasn't having anything to do with him either. Before I could stop her, she was all puffed up, jumped off the bench, and went into the main part of the barn to square off with her son. I opened a can of food, which got her attention, and she came back to the bench. I covered her with a handy beach towel so she couldn't scratch me, and took her back to her kennel. This time I made sure the gate was securely fastened. I didn't see Katz at all.

I'm hoping Katz will reappear for breakfast, when I'll love her up and then take her into town. I can't have the girls injure each other, and now that Leo's showing his face again, I'll have my hands full with him and his mother. I admit, I'm not very good with the kitty drama. More is definitely not merrier!
So, wish me luck today. I hope the jail break didn't result in Mrs. Katz being driven off or injured. Once she's safe at the rescue, I'll release Claudette from her confinement (assuming her incision looks okay.) We'll see.



  1. What a day! It will all work out for the best.

    1. Hi Bonnie:
      Mrs. Katz showed up for breakfast this morning, but I didn't crate her because the rescue doesn't open until noon. After breakfast, she went on walkabout, but she came back at 1, and she and Claudette were having hissy fits. I knew that Katz needed to find a new indoor home, so with tears in my eyes, I picked her up, and put her in the travel crate. I talked to her (trying to explain) all the way to the shelter. She sat looking at me, and she rubbed against my hands the whole 12 miles. I was a wreck. I asked that they find a really special home for her, and I took the time to explain all the wonderful things about Mrs. Katz. She assured me that Katz would go to a deserving home, and she'd keep me posted. I still cried when I left her behind.
      sniffle sniffle

  2. Wow, that must've kept you busy all day!
    Hope all is well & that Claudette heals well.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I'm learning that outdoor cats are really resilient. She's bouncing around as though nothing happened! It's amazing. At dinner time tonight, I sang my song on the way to the barn, wondering whether or not she'd remember. I watched her come running down from the wood shed, follow me into the barn, and jump right up onto the workbench for cuddles, as I plated her dinner. I had to smile.

  3. Goodness, it certainly sounds like a soap opera at your place! Hope it all gets sorted to the comfort of everyone (and that Leo keeps away!)

    1. Hi Maggie:
      Nothing like a little kitty drama! lol Claudette and I agree with you about Leo. She chased him right out of the barn last night! Mrs. Katz went to the rescue today (with lots of tears on my part), so it's just Claudette now. She's already healing well, and we're settling in, as I pray that Katz gets the best home where she'll be appreciated for the extraordinary kitty she is.

  4. You had lots of excitement at your house! Way too much kitty drama! I hope today is a better day.

    1. Hi Andrea:
      I'm sure if there'd been a video camera, I would have looked a bit loony to the viewer! Much better today, except that Mrs. Katz chased and batted Claudette in the butt, and then Katz reclined on the grass in front of the barn like she ruled the roost. It was at that moment that I decided she had to go to the shelter for more than a couple reasons. !) I want her to live a cushy, inside life, 2) I don't want her learning to be naughty to other cats, and 3) I didn't want her to get into a cat fight with Claudette, as she only had her spay surgery yesterday. Feral cats are tough, but I don't think they're that tough. I cried driving to, while there, and returning from the rescue, but I know I did the right thing for my sweet Mrs. Katz.

  5. Oh my dear. Too much kitty trauma drama for me. You will be extra happy when all are where they belong. The “meow” (word) is out. Dining at Donna’s...come and get it...milk and meat! Try not to wear yourself out my friend.

    1. I agree, dear Sherry:
      I'm not a fan of pet drama, feline or canine. Enough is enough. Also, now that the weather is getting hot, the wet food is drawing flies to the barn. Enough of that for the summer, too. Hard food and water for the summer...and only enough for Claudette. I'm not feeding the neighborhood all summer. I took Mrs. Katz to the rescue today. They loved her, too, and promised to find the perfect home that would appreciate just how special she is. I'm happier knowing that.
      Thanks, girlfriend.


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Blessings, Donna