May 21, 2021

When I Wasn't Outside...

Brynwood Needleworks - My Farmhouse Block for the "Everlasting" Quilt

Handsome and I mowed our lawn yesterday. It typically takes a couple of hours (even using two riding mowers!), so we had some nice time enjoying the outdoors. 

Of course, I spent time with Crystal and her kittens, making sure Crystal has plenty of food and fresh milk to support her babies. They're nicely situated in the dog crate, so it will be easier to transport them later today without too much disruption. (Don't get me started or I'll start crying again.) I also got in some great cuddle time with Mrs. Katz. She's such a sweetheart. She loves the attention.

When I finally came back inside late yesterday, I started stitching on my Farmhouse block. I'm finished except for the porch rails and a little stonework. I'm just contemplating how I want to stitch them. I'll figure it out later today.

The kitties all go to the rescue at 6:30 tonight, when Claudette will be back from the Madison vet who provides the spay and neuter services for their rescue facility. I'll be babying her to make sure she heals well, and it will help keep my mind off the two girls (and kittens) leaving. Wish me luck with that, okay?

Once my farmhouse block is finished, I only have one flower block to go. Maybe I'll show you all the blocks together tomorrow! We'll see...



  1. You are doing the right thing, even though it hurts.
    Hope it went well.
    Love, love, love that big box of Valdani!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks again. I think so, too.
      I love having all the threads for a project handy in one place. The box is hand crafted by my friend, Gisselle Sequiera of Honey Bunny Cottage. She makes them in all sizes, and I've got a few.

  2. Yes, I agree that you're doing the right thing, even though it's incredibly difficult. Be sure to spend lots of time stitching so you can ease your mind. Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Maggie:
      That sounds like a great plan. Once I've nursed Claudette back to health, I can stop fawning over her and she can be on her own.

  3. Donna Dear your Farmhouse block will be perfection. Keep stitching and keep your hands and mind will help with your kitties and how you are doing the right thing for them. Blessings and Love...

    1. Thanks, dear Sherry:
      I know you're right. Thanks for your kind words.


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Blessings, Donna