August 25, 2023

Party of Fourteen...

Last night was our wrap-up dinner to close out our work as a committee for the class reunion. We all agreed that we've renewed old friendships, and that we'll continue to gather from time to time just to enjoy each other's company. Two members couldn't make it, but I'm sure they'll join us again in the future.

We only have a few loose ends that couldn't be tied into a neat, little bow, but those things will be taken care of very soon. Our classmates pictured l-r (front row) Julie, Dan and Pat. (second row) Mary, Janet, Brad, Max, Karen S., Cal, Deb B., Karen C., Al, Me, and Deb O. Missing are Rem and Mickey.

This is the most dedicated, hard working, fun committee I've ever had the pleasure of being associated with, and I'm truly honored to have been their leader for the past fourteen months. I almost wish we could do it all over again! Almost. Thanks to all that, together, we could help create wonderful new memories for us and all our classmates.


  1. A great memory!

  2. Such a great photo - a keepsake for everyone involved on the committee for sure. I'm sure you are all hugely relieved that the fourteen months of preparation are over.

    1. Hi MA:
      You're so right. I'm ready to go on break. We agreed that we'll need to schedule more dinner gatherings in the future. We'll miss our monthly meetings!

  3. No only do you have a wonderful family, you have so many great friends also.
    Beautiful photo and wonderful memories for all involved.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I'm truly blessed. These were friendships rekindled, and we're all better for it. Thanks so much, dear. Enjoy your weekend, too.


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Blessings, Donna