August 20, 2023

Monday, Monday...

This is just a wee portion of my plans for today. I'd carved out time to can pears yesterday, but it was so bloody hot in the farmhouse that I chose to spend much of the day in the cool basement, doing laundry. I swear I'm going to move my ironing board down there, too! Wet clothes were hung on the line to dry, as I wanted to avoid turning on the dryer if I could.
Some time before we purchased the homestead that we lovingly dubbed Hickory Hill Farm, our dear neighbors, Andy and Shelly planted a pear tree along their lot line with this property. As Shelly is not a fan of pears, and there are only so many Andy can eat fresh, they've graciously shared them with us. In years past, there have been bountiful harvests from this tree, but this year the branches are so full of fruit that they're bending under the weight. I've noted in my canning diary that I usually put them up in early September, but have been keeping track of them this past week, hoping to take some weight off the tree. 

It's supposed to be cooler today, so my first order of business is to pick pears. Then I'll bring them back here, wash them, and sit down to peel and slice them all. After that's done, I'll make up a simple syrup - not too sweet - and give the pears a hot bath prior to canning them. I suspect I'll be doing this for a few days this week. We'll have to see.

I canned six and a half half-pint jars of pizza sauce from our current crop of ripe Roma tomatoes on Saturday. It takes so long to cook them down to thicken the sauce, but it will be so worth it to be able to enjoy in the coming months. I still have tomatoes ripening, so there will be more made soon. I'd planned to make salsa, but didn't have enough of the Early Girls to do that yet. I imagine they'll ripen this week along with the Romas.

As much as I'd like to be playing in the studio right now, when Mother Nature says it's time to pick ripe vegetables, I have to pick and process them. Needlework and other crafty pursuits will have to wait a while. I think I'll pull together supplies so that after I finish working in the kitchen, I'll be able to put my feet up in the evening and do a little needle dancing. If I can stay awake, that is. 


  1. Reading this post makes me wish we still had a garden because I do miss pickling and preserving. I know I still could if I wanted to just buy the fresh produce but we don't have any area that's cool enough in this apartment to store preserves. We do have a small bar-sized fridge but it generally gets filled with the necessities of life (read that to be zucchini relish!!).

    1. Dear MA:
      I can't tell you how much I feel for you. Seriously. I don't know what I'd do now if I didn't have room to store foods that I've lovingly preserved for our family. We may not be able to stay in the farmhouse forever, but where ever we might end up, I'd require a pantry. If there wouldn't be one, one would be built. No negotiating on that. Getting to the basement gets more difficult for both of us, so if there is a "next" home, it would have to be all on one floor (like we had in Florida). Zucchini relish is legal tender around here. I've bartered or gifted it more than once. Deliciousness for sure!

  2. Sherry of createology: Oh how I remember my Grandma and mother doing lots of canning and preserving. At one time we lived in an old farmhouse that also had a water tower and a very large room underneath that had lot of shelves and held everything. I never did anything domestic like my Grandma and mother however my daughter is truly outstanding with her new adventure of living in rural Tennessee. She went from my Laguna Beach babe to incredible Homesteading farmer girl raising animals and cannning and preserving and freeze drying everything possible. Her shelves are overflowing everywhere. I am so proud of her.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You've got many sweet childhood memories, my dear. Your daughter is making new memories for her family. I envy her freeze dryer! I'd love to own one, but they're so expensive. I must try to find a good used one. I'm sure you're one, proud mama!

  3. You sure have your week cut out for you.
    That's right, when Mother Nature says it's time, she means it's time.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      So much to do, so little time. lol Gotta love Mother Nature. I'm in awe at how much our surrounding farmers are accomplishing right now. They're an inspiration. Handsome is already making requests for next year's garden. Warms my heart.
      Hope your week is the best, dear.

  4. You are always busy!
    Have fun canning!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I try to. I heard a long time ago that "moving targets are harder to hit". lol Hope you have a great week!


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Blessings, Donna