August 24, 2023

Concert Night...

Concert night was especially fun last night. I sat where I could see all of the percussionists, and especially Handsome. I actually recorded video from two of their numbers. My husband had told me how much fun they had in rehearsals with these concert numbers, and last night I understood why. They were busy and so much fun to watch. Handsome was playing the kit for a number from the movie Zorro in this image. 

I was so tickled when my sister, Diana, her son, Dan and most of his family also came to the concert. One son had other plans for the evening. It was so wonderful to see their reaction to seeing Uncle Handsome playing in the band, and they want me to let them know when the concerts in the park start up again next year so they can come, too.

Now for the sad news. Tag couldn't come with me. He was heartbroken that he couldn't see his fans, but we had an after party for this last concert of the season and it was still going to be too hot outside to leave him in the car while we were in the restaurant. I've promised him something special this weekend, and he'll be able to tell you all about that instead. Besides, it's going to be much more fun for him - and you to read! He's looking forward to telling you all about it next Tuesday.

More tomatoes to pick this morning, and I'll probably make salsa this afternoon if it's cool enough. We need more bread, but it's too hot to turn on 400º ovens. That will have to wait another day or two. I'm off to have a cuppa and then run a couple errands. Have a great day and see you tomorrow!



  1. So nice that family could attend the concert, and I'm sure Tag was quite disappointed not to go but best to stay home where it's cooler.

    1. Hi MA:
      I really struggled over the decision. Would it be cool enough by the time the concert was over? What if it didn't cool off? Would my boy be okay in the car for an hour or so? I just couldn't take the chance. I'm really going to make it up to him this weekend! It was so great to have the kids join me. Most fun at a concert this summer!

  2. You have the best family.
    I'm sure Tag will makeup double for missing the concert.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      It sure was a wonderful surprise that they wanted to come and see Uncle perform. I couldn't stop grinning all night. I've got something wonderful planned for Tag and the girls. I know he won't be able to wait to share!

  3. Great pic of Handsome.
    The kids look like they had fun.
    Yes, it's way too hot for a puppy to be in a car.
    I'm sure you made it up to Tag with something fun!


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Blessings, Donna