August 9, 2023


Most days begin with working in the garden (after I feed Claudette and Crystal), and yesterday was no exception. First I do a walk-through, and then I pull some weeds. After that, I check to see what's ripe enough to pick.

I picked green beans, green peppers, peas and basil this time. I shucked the peas, blanched and froze them. I trimmed the beans and they were our fresh vegetable with dinner last night. I put the peppers on the pile with the others for now. I'll probably slice and freeze those today. Lastly, I picked fresh basil. I'll keep it fresh in the jars of water until I want to use it. What I don't use will likely be chopped, mixed with oil and put in a jar for future use.
Yesterday was baking day, too, so I got to work on that. I baked the bread and rolls, and while the rolls were in the oven, I mixed up a batch of tortilla dough. The recipe's preference is for lard, so I used the only lard I had in the house...bear lard. It was a gift from my stepsister, Sher. I'd never used or tasted it before, so when I tasted it before mixing it into my dough, I was surprised at how mild it was.

I'm trying to prepare as many ingredients as I can, so that when I need something, I can just pull it off the shelf. Last night, I wanted to make "Mexican Lasagna", so I needed tortillas. They're really simple to make, and I know there are no preservatives in any of the ingredients I used. 

In case you're wondering, "Mexican Lasagna" (not my name for it) is a layering of taco-seasoned meat, sweet corn, green chilies, pinto beans, and blended cheese, spread on a flour tortilla. Repeat at least three times, and then top with more cheese. (I baked this in an oval Corning™ casserole. Bake in a 350º oven, 25-35 minutes, until everything is bubbling. Let rest a bit. Then slice the layered goodness and serve. Handsome loved it, so he was very excited to know there's half of it left for consumption later this week.

I'm working on my reunion books today, so I can meet up with my co-chair tomorrow. We're wrapping up all the last invoices for things related to the weekend. Pretty soon, our gathering will be just a happy memory...and that will be a good thing, too. Maybe I'll get a little needlework done today? We'll see.


  1. Everything looks delicious!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn:
      Hope you're having a great week, my friend.

  2. mmmm - yum! I love fresh garden produce but I guess our little balcony garden won't manage to produce much now after the big storm pretty much decimated it. Oh well, at least Resident Chef has lots of herbs chopped up and in the freezer for use in soups and stews over the winter.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'd be so sad if the weather wrecked all my hard work. I'm so sorry, dear. I'm glad you guys managed to save some of your plants. We got a bad storm last night, but I haven't checked the garden yet. On may way out soon.
      Take care,

  3. Sherry of createology: So delightful to have fresh from the garden or pantry for meals. Your breads look delicious. Always bittersweet to wrap up an event especially one that was so successful.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      There really is something so satisfying about our own garden and pantry products. The bread turned out just right today. I sent a loaf up the hill, and home with grandson so I'll be baking again this week for Handsome. My committee and I are still "basking in the afterglow". It was a wonderful, memorable weekend.

  4. Oh the bread, yum. Everything looks and sounds delicious.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Wish you were closer to enjoy some over tea!


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Blessings, Donna