June 8, 2022

Flowers and Jam...

The "Flower Garden" Strawberry Sachet is already on its way to its new home, but I wanted to share one more set of photographs before putting this project to bed. It's the most densely embroidered sachet I've done to date, and I must say, I'm quite taken with the final result.

I'm offering more of this design (not exactly the same, of course) in my Etsy shop now, so if you'd like to treat yourself or someone else (thinking Mother's Day), you can place an order from the listing.

Yesterday, Handsome helped me put up a batch of Driscoll strawberries. They were on special at the grocery store (Florida strawberries), so I decided we needed to restock our jam supply in the pantry. Ten cups of gorgeous fruit turned into three pint jars, twelve half-pint jars, plus eight ounces "for the cook" (that wasn't a full jar, so it got a plastic lid and put in the fridge). 

After we finished with the jam, I helped Handsome mow the yard. The weather was perfect today. We'd  had two days of rain, with another day expected today, so we cut down the jungle before the next downpour. The yard looks great, and I know the grass will appreciate the rain. We won't have to worry about it growing up over the windows while we wait for the grass to dry enough to cut again.

We completed our outdoor work, I fed the barn girls, and Handsome went back inside to feed dogs. We made dinner together, and then watched a baseball game. By the end of the game, I realized I was completely gassed. Sleep came easy, and I start the day well-rested and ready for the next thing. 

I received a special request for a gift for friend's granddaughter. I'll be making it today, and share that project with you tomorrow. You know the drill. Time for coffee and my breakfast of fruit (more about that soon!), and then off to the studio. Hi, ho...Hi, ho...


  1. The berry is absolutely gorgeous!
    Those jars of jam look so pretty.
    Yes, another rainy day, the grass is really growing fast.
    Good day for cleaning, then stitching. :)

    1. Hi Marilyn-
      We had rain here all day. The sun finally came out late day.
      Thanks for your kind words.

  2. Doesn't it give such a feeling of satisfaction when you see those jars all lined up? I know I always feel that way. And your sachet is far too pretty to even contemplate sticking pins in it and I'm sure your client will feel the same. It's a showpiece!

    1. Hi MA-
      I always feel so accomplished when I look at all the processed jars of goodness. It’s great when we’ve filled the pantry again. Thanks for the compliment, too. I can’t wait to hear her feedback when she opens it.

  3. I love your strawberries. Just wish I had ordered one for me when I first saw them as the price was so much better :-)

    1. Hi Judy-
      Thank you so much. This one took me about twenty hours to stitch. They’ve become more elaborate as I’ve fine-tuned my techniques. Perhaps I’ll put one or two on sale in the near future so you can get one for yourself. You could send a note to let me know what your favorite colors/flowers are to give me a direction.


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Blessings, Donna