June 28, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - We've Got A Bandit On The Premises...

 Hi, Everybody!

Seems we have a real bandit on the farm these days. Mom's been up close and personal with this one, and now, she's actually feedin' it! Allow me to explain.

This started about ten days ago. Mom would go to feed the Barn Girls in the mornin', only to find that the food from the night before was completely gone, and their dishes were scattered about. I'd been barkin' at night, but alas, like the kid who cried "wolf", Mom and Dad just attributed it to my big mouth. They didn't believe I could actually hear somethin'.

Then, one night, Mom heard somethin' on the front porch. She looked out the window where the table is that holds the girls' dishes, and she was face to face with a raccoon! They were close enough to each other that Mom could see it was a "she", and she was nursin' babies. Well, that did it. Mom would put out extra food for her so she could help support the mama.

The big thing was that we don't really want a raccoon on the porch at all, but especially at night when the girls are sleepin' there. So Mom started puttin' food out in the Compass Barn for the furry bandit. Now, Mom brings in any remainin' food that the girls haven't eaten, to dissuade mama raccoon from returnin' to the porch.

Last night, I heard somethin' and barked again. Mom sighed, but quietly went out on the porch to make sure no one was botherin' the girls (besides me). She got there in time to see the raccoon scamper off to the barn. That's good. There's a lot of food out there for her! (The best picture she could get was it's butt headin' into the barn. The raccoon is fast!) 

So, that's this week's excitin' news. Everythin' else around here is "copacetic" as Mom's grandpa used to say. All is right in our world. We're all pretty lucky. Gotta run. You know me. I'll be busy keepin' alert, so  everybody's safe.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"


  1. Hi Tag!
    We've had a nightly Coon visitin' too.
    We have to take all of the bird feeders in at night because he/she trashes them.
    I opened the blinds yesterday to see it staring at me! Caught in the act!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      They sure are sneaky buggers. I'm glad you're savin' food for the birds. They're a lot more fun.

  2. Coons can be destructive so maybe you should mention that to Mom and tell her that maybe feeding them might just encourage more to come. Kind of a hard thing to know what to do. You keep doing your job and keep them off the porch!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Mom was warned about that by Dad a couple winters ago. That's why she's takin' food to the Compass Barn. We don't want her babies to starve, but we don't want 'em hangin' out here, either. Thanks for the heads-up!

  3. sherry of createology: Tag you are a wonderful watch dog. Raccoons can be very dangerous however a mama with babies who is hungry and tryin to keep them fed might be a bit more safe. You keep alertin Mom and Dad just in case something really bad is happenin. Summer Smiles…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      I was barkin' again just last night, but I think the barn girls just threw me a curve to get me in trouble. Sweet, right? We'll be real careful with the raccoon and babies. We don't want to hurt her/them, but they can't keep stealin' cat food either!
      Thanks for your note,


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Blessings, Donna