April 26, 2024

Spring Sunset...

This was the sky outside the restaurant as I left on Tuesday evening. The place where we gathered is at the south end of Lake Winnebago. If you aren't familiar with Wisconsin, just look at the map and you'll see that large lake in the east central portion of the state. That's Lake Winnebago, and the place I call my hometown is Fond du Lac (French for "foot of the lake"), located right at that end of the lake.

This photograph is unretouched, and I can tell you it really doesn't do justice to what I actually saw. It was raining to the east (behind me), and there was a rainbow there, while this magnificent spring sunset was laid out in front of me. The wind was blowing waves onto the shoreline and it was a fitting end to a night with friends.

My hands are still sore, so no new embroidery updates. These darn arthritic thumbs! Don't they know I have things to do? I hope some of you are managing to get a little needle dancing into your day. As for me, I'll try again today.


  1. What a gorgeous sunset!
    I hope your thumbs feel better soon.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Yes! I finally got to stitch on Friday. I'll share the project on Monday. Happy Weekend, my friend.

  2. Beautiful sunset. I deal with thumb issues too. I hope resting your's will allow you to resume dancing.

    1. Hi Mary:
      Thanks, dear. I feel bad that you have to deal with the darn thumbs, too. It's not like we can do anything without them. sigh. I finally got to stitch again on Friday, and was so happy.
      I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. Gosh, that's beautiful!! God certainly paints some incredible masterpieces doesn't he.
    So sorry your thumbs are giving you grief. Hope today is better.

    1. Hi MA:
      I got in my Explorer and saw the faint rainbow first. My photos barely captured it, but then, I pulled out of the parking lot and saw this sunset! I had to pull into the beach parking lot to get a full view to take the picture. It had been sprinkling, so it didn't last long as the storm rolled in, but I was so happy to have been in the right place at the right time. My thumbs felt better Friday, and I even got some stitching in! I'll share photos on Monday.
      Happy Weekend, dear!

  4. Sherry of createology: Such a magnificent sunset! I shall be reading your blogs to catch up.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Wasn't it, though? I saw the photos you posted of your daughter's wedding. What a lovely group, and I'm sure the ceremony was perfect! Welcome back, dear.
      Big Hugs,

  5. Wow, I can't image what that was like in person.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      It was truly breathtaking. A few moments later and I would have missed it completely! I was so fortunate that we broke up our gathering when we did so I was able to share this. Thank you. I hope your weekend is extra special, dear.


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Blessings, Donna