April 13, 2024

Monogram Embroidery Day Three...

Day Three began by removing the vines from the top of the "N". Straight away I knew I'd made the right decision. I reworked it into the lower right side of the monogram below the roses, using a single thread. Much better.

This is how far I progressed before I had to get ready to leave for work. There's more to do, but I won't get back to it until Sunday as I work again today. I'm looking forward to getting back to it on our day of rest. 

I hope you're having a nice weekend. The weather is supposed to be beautiful around here. In fact, customers came in last night who said they were heading to the campground to open up their camper for the first weekend getaway of the season. Made me miss having our Airstream...a lot!

I'll be back with more progress on Monday. Who knows how far I'll get by then? What do you think of the change I made? Better?


  1. I think it looks more beautiful!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much, dear. This one is a true joy to create.

  2. Much better! But I have to say that I'm still having a problem with that green. You say it's in the bouquet so you likely should use it. I think (if it were me and I hopped off the fence for a split second) I'd just use it as French knots here and there and very sparingly at that. There...going back to my well-worn (and therefore not very splinter-y) fence....

    1. Hi MA-
      I've mentioned you in Monday's post, so you can see what I've done. Thank you for your honest input. I think it helped me create a better piece.

  3. Sherry of createology: Oh my what a difference. You have the best insight on how to stitch a lovely monogram. I hope you enjoy your day at the diner.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks so much, dear. Small change with a big impact, I think. I ended up taking this out, too, in favor of even less. lol I enjoyed Friday and Saturday at work. I work with some lovely people, for sure. Hope you had a great weekend.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna