April 25, 2024

My Latest Project...

I haven't worked on it since last week, but this is my latest work in progress. My idea is to recreate the corgi on my "For The Love Of A Corgi" logo. I would have loved to work on it yesterday, but weather changes are wreaking havoc with my hands, so I just did other things.

I'm hoping to sit down to this again today. As it's "in progress" and a new concept, I may change things as I go (like the nose placement perhaps a teeny bit lower, and wait until the face is done to add the mouth), so we'll just see where this ends up.

I'm missing Tag a lot these days, so maybe working on this project will help me feel better. Couldn't hurt, right? 


  1. It's looking great so far.
    Sending HUGS.

  2. So far, so good! I'm wondering if you're recreating your Corgi logo, maybe you'll also one day do some acorns.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks! Interesting you should mention that. I have the design already sketched out and plan to do that soon enough. The corgi and frogs to complete first.

  3. Looking good. This one is going to be so sweet.
    And what's up with the weather changes, I had ice on the bird baths this morning.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks, dear. I know! We've had freeze warnings a few nights this week, and into the high 60s during the day. I may have got just a little too much sun today. My usual first exposure "color", which will tan out in the next 24 hours. It doesn't hurt, but Handsome usually scolds me every year. This was no exception. I hope you get warmer weather soon, too!

  4. Sherry of createology: Every time I see someone with a Corgi I miss Tag all the more. He was such a special JOY. Your stitched Corgi will be perfect with your expertise and talent dear. XO


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Blessings, Donna