April 6, 2024

I'm Curious...

Have you been reading or hearing about the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th? Have you ever watched or experienced a solar eclipse before? I have. More than once during my lifetime. What I don't understand is what's so different about this one?

I've read that people are flying to states that will experience the total eclipse. Some state governors are declaring states of emergency. I don't remember that happening before. I guess I just don't understand how this one is supposedly a bigger deal than usual. What have you heard? Can anyone explain this to me?

I'm going to be at work today. I was stitching in snippets yesterday, but I'm still planning to share completed ladybugs on Monday...unless this eclipse thing takes down the internet, or some other unforeseen event. I'm joking, of course. I think. I guess I'll choose my Sunday Scripture wisely. Can't wait to read your comments!


  1. I'm thinking the same thing Donna!
    Don't remember all the hype like this time.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I figured many of us were on the same page. I think we'll just stay indoors with the animals and keep a few windows open just to listen to the change in the birds...assuming we don't have clouds.

  2. We live in an area that will experience totality. For months we've been saturated with predictions about disruptive this even could be. As the prediction is for clouds Monday, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    1. Hi Mary:
      We should all compare notes after the "event". I think I'll write another post on Tuesday, just to hear how it went for everyone. Thanks for your comment to my post.

  3. I have no clue what all the hype is about either - can't turn on the tv without all sorts of dire warnings about the dangers. They're even doing studies on animals and birds to see what effect it has on them. And declaring states of emergency is ridiculous. Now the latest 'thing' is that supposedly there's all kinds of knock-offs for the so-called safety glasses that aren't aren't safe to use. Personally I think it's like the hype that surrounded January 1 2020 which turned out to be a non-event. Apparently they're charging over a thousand dollars a night to stay in a hotel in Niagara Falls which is supposed to be one of the hot spots for totality. Ridiculous.

    1. Hi MA:
      I haven't actually watched local news in years. I got tired of all the media (mis)information and ambulance chasers. They love a good hurricane on the horizon (when we lived in Florida), or a big snowstorm (here in Wisconsin). The weather weinies stand outside as if putting themselves "at risk" raises credibility. This eclipse thing has gotten out of hand in my estimation, but Monday will be the ultimate arbiter. I'll be sitting at my needlework. You and I are on the same page. Ridiculous.

  4. Sherry of createology: As for me my world is not revolving around this eclipse. I have seen previous and I am fine with those. I truly do not understand all the hype. I suppose people are desperate for anything non-political. I am staying home and praying my sick husband will be well for daughter’s wedding in TN April 20th!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I agree. I'll be stitching, as usual, with the critters scattered around sleeping. I really have no desire to go outside to "see" it. You're right. We're sick of politics, and this reminds me of people holding hurricane parties in Florida. sigh Sorry to hear your love is unwell. We have a family wedding on the 20th, too, but Handsome won't be walking anyone down the aisle. I hope your daughter's dad will be able to walk her to her new life. I'll be lifting prayers for his complete health in time to enjoy the big party.

  5. it is the widest and longest path of totality. it is the longest totality event. almost everyone on the east and west of the path will experience some form of the eclipse making it the largest and longest available eclipse in a very long while.

    greed - many want to capture every dollar they can creating price gouging while fearing the crowds will be too large whether it be large or medium cities and especially rural.

    media - it seems rather than help with informative fun types ways to report it seems fear and exaggeration have become the norm.

    NASA - is shooting rockets into it supposedly - they have probably done this before. Media likes fear verses discovery and information as to why.

    Chamber of Commerce's - where have they been in promoting their cities or have they been doing so and the media doesn't want to widespread infomercial it to help make this a wonderful event??

    Unknown - eclipse will no doubt impact cellular and solar. it could also impact electronic signals for a period of time. it is the longest time frame to occur since we have become such a digital world, creating the unknown.
    Solar will go to back up power - the very power that they are trying to convince us that we shouldn't use anymore - will the generators actually make the transition - also fossil fuel powered (my late husband was a welder for the massive generators that do this work - they require testing and to be ran for periods of time - have they). There is an unknown climate to this because of the length, width and time frame of the eclipse.

    i like a key to unlock a door and light switch to turn on light and my car is not computer nor battery driven - i think most of us are basic type people with common sense although the media tells us differently and we feel odd or old because of it lol. hopefully all municipalities are testing back up power sources and communication sources as that is the real test - are they ready for anything that could come their way not just an eclipse.
    States of Emergency declarations are for funding and a unique skill set of highly trained and or specialized personal/equipment from the federal government - normally it can take up to 72 hours for the federal government to aide and or boots on the ground once a Governor declares an emergency - i suspect because of the unknown that Governors want to be first in line for help if needed.

    like everyone else - i don't see it as being that big of a deal - the unknown doesn't fear me - God is in control. what i love and hope is that the eclipse will be a great experience and spark a younger generation to love science and the earth.

    i do plan to travel to the path of totality as i am only a few hours away - loved the last one - was in KY for that one - will be in MO for this one. my animals will all be fine - they were through the last one which was a partial here - the horse was under a tree and looked to be sleeping according to my neighbor and late husband. the plethora of wild animals went quiet and bedded down - they thought it was night and it was cool. my inside animals slept - my late husband wasn't able to get off work to go with me for the last one, so he took a day off and rested at home because he too wanted to experience it before going to work.

    where i was at in KY, the same happened - about 10 mins before you could literally feel a change. it was dead silence no sound not even from humans because it was so amazing - temp drop over 10 degrees. as soon as it was over the birds were chirping away happy as always and the warm temp returned almost instantly lol.

    i look forward to this one as well. hope everyone enjoys some version of the eclipse.

    1. Hi Jody:
      I think you covered everything exquisitely, my friend. I can't wait to hear all about your experience after your trip! Stay safe and safe travels. Except that Handsome has rehearsal that evening, we have solid plans to stay home during the day.

  6. I've thought the same thing.
    And I've got bigger fish to fry.

  7. I live in an area that will have totality - I'll sit on my patio and watch how nature reacts...although we are supposed to be cloudy all day. There have been notices and articles about being safe but we figure it's probably because people driving will either be pulling off the road or just stopping in the middle of the road to watch it. Sadly, there has been some obvious greed going on. One major hotel accepted reservations several months ago and at the last minute cancelled them without explanation to those with the reservations. It's obvious the hotels figured they could make more money doing last-minute business at higher prices. Hopefully people will file law suits and the state and city are seriously looking at them right now.
    The cashier at my local grocery store told me someone bought over $500 worth of groceries because of the eclipse. We're not sure what they are expecting to happen. I'm going to be working on quilts for my grandlittles and will stop for a bit during the event...just to see if the birds actually stop singing.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna