July 5, 2023

Nailed It! - Again...


I decided not to begin my post today with a fail. Rather, I'm first sharing the lovely banana bread and dog treats I made yesterday. The dog treats are mashed bananas, vanilla yogurt and ground oatmeal, mixed and dropped by spoonfuls onto parchment paper. I baked them until they were crispy, instead of chewy. Our doggers love them. 

One load of banana bread went up the hill and the other is for here. So, that was the good part of my creative kitchen time the past couple days. Now for the other adventure.

Read the recipe. I mean, really. How darn hard could it be? I let the cream cheese sit at room temp, added the rest of the ingredients and cooled the mixture for a couple hours in the fridge. Then I tried to form the mixture into balls. I used one of those "ejecting" ice cream scoops. BAHAHAHAHA! Then into the freezer overnight.

When I took them out of the freezer, they still weren't hard, but I figured i could easily dip them into the melted chocolate and send them back to the freezer.

THIS is what went into the freezer. I showed the photo to our grandson who replied, "They each have their own little personality." My response was, "They sure do!" Can you see why we love that guy? 

I may make the recipe again, but I think I may make them spread out in a pan next time. On the other hand, there are lots of other recipes in my kitchen. I may just let this one slide. If you make it, I'd love to know how they turn out for you.

Oh, and Handsome said they taste fine...even if they look like they were dropped on the floor. lol

I'm on my way to Primitive Gatherings for Sewcial Sisters today, and then spending the next few days with my sister. I'll be checking in tomorrow from her house. See you later. Gotta run!


  1. Oh yum!
    Everything looks delicious, even the dog treats! LOL
    Have fun at Sewcial Sisters!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I tried the dog treats as the ingredients are "people" ingredients. Not sweet, but tasty. I can see why the dogs love them.
      Had a great time in Larsen. I hope you get a chance to get there and visit some time soon.

  2. Lucky pupsters to get special homemade treats! As for the chocolates, I would chill the 'dough, form them into balls, and then put them in the freezer overnight and then, instead of using chocolate chips, I would get 'melting chocolate' for candy making instead of the choc chips. Two reasons - the proper candy chocolate hardens nicely AND it doesn't end up all over your fingers when you're eating them. I'd also only bring a few at a time out of the freezer before dipping in the chocolate. We make our own chocolates all the time (there's always some in the freezer) and we've discovered those things over time.

    1. Hi MA:
      Perfect recommendations, my friend. The first time, I chilled the dough for a few hours. It was still soft, so I used the scoop to form the balls. Those were in the freezer overnight, and were still soft in the morning. That surprised me. I started out with chocolate chips, but changed to melting Ambrosia block chocolate in the end as it's made for melting in an application like this. Those dang cream cheese balls never got hard. Even after coating and putting in the fridge, they stayed squishy soft. I rechecked the recipe to make sure I didn't forget an ingredient. I'm baffled. I've made peanut butter balls and other chocolate balls before and never had this issue. Next time I'll definitely use the melting chocolates, but I doubt I'll make the cream cheese version again. Thanks for your insights, dear. I'm going to follow them next time.

  3. Sherry of createology: Oh how we love to make new recipes…NOT! All is not lost when it is still edible. And chocolate is always edible! I did Strawberries with White “Chocolate” for the Fourth.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I saw your strawberries! PERFECTION! They were gorgeous, and I'm confident equally tasty. A fitting treat for the Fourth, my dear.

  4. I'll stick with the dog treats.
    The picture of the cheesecake bites is priceless.
    Enjoy your day and safe travels.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks for the laugh. I'm with you!


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Blessings, Donna