July 18, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Apple Core...

Hi, Everybody!

It's time for our weekly visit, and I'm glad I'm feelin' better this week.

As you can see from the picture, my cheek is still swollen, but thanks to Mom's diligence, I'm gettin' my meds on the regular and it seems to be improvin'. I'll keep my current set of choppers for the foreseeable future. I'm sure this issue will be revisited when Mom talks to Dr. Marti, but they're all safe in my mouth for now.

In fact, I've been feelin' good enough to join the girls at the daily smorgasbord, courtesy of the old apple tree across the driveway. Every year, there are lots of blossoms that turn to fruit, but a few days of strong breezes, or a good rainstorm, or heck, an impressive sneeze and they start droppin' off the tree. There'll be plenty left to turn ripe so Mom can make applesauce, but it would be a really impressive harvest if half the apple pups stayed on the tree.

Mom and Dad (who usually cleans them up before mowin' the lawn) aren't happy about the early windfalls, but Boo, The Kid and I love it! Let us out in the mornin' - or anytime, for that matter - and we make a bee line for the yard under the tree. So, I guess my mouth can't be hurtin' that much. It's sure not stoppin' me from joinin' in the fun.

Mom takes me to check on her garden with her every day, too. None of the furries that live here will get any garden things to eat, but what we're lackin' in veg, we're makin' up in fruit. We can hardly wait until they're ripe instead of tangy!

I'm gonna continue pickin' up these applets while my mouth heals, so I'd better get back to it today. If an "apple a day" is good for ya, I'm gonna multiply the benefits! Don't wanna be slackin' off on my duties, after all.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. Don't eat too many apples Tag, you might get a belly ache!
    Mom's flowers are so pretty.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Is there really such a thing as "too many apples"? Not so far. lol I'll tell Mom you like her flowers, too.

  2. Oh no Tag - don't eat too many apples! You'll get a tummy ache for sure. Remember - everything in moderation.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Remember, I'm a Corgi. We don't do much of anythin' in moderation. Just ask Dad! lol

  3. Well Tag it sounds like you and mostly mom have everything under control.
    I'm happy you are doing a bit better.
    Have a great week.
    See you in seven for another adventure update.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm feelin' better, but Mom will be happy when my lump is gone. I guess I will, too. Hope you have a good week, too. It's gonna be excitin' next week. We've got kiddos here this weekend, and you KNOW how I love them!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna