July 12, 2023

More Progress On Belle's Dragon Brooch...

In addition to baking four loaves of farmhouse bread and three loaves of French bread (to make my brother-in-law's favorite sandwiches for dinner), I did manage to work on the base layers for Belle's dragon brooch.

I'll continue working on it today as I'm able, and will share again tomorrow. I have a hair appointment in the middle of the afternoon, and Handsome has another concert tonight, so I'll stitch in the gaps. Today, the plan is to stitch down all the super pearl purl around the outside of the brooch, and then add more detail if I have enough time.

Belle's original drawing is above my work, and her brooch will be just a wee bit larger so I can get the details in. I did add another (back) horn on the dragon, deciding to take a little artistic license with it. I do want to keep as close to the original as possible going forward though. 

Handsome has an appointment first thing this morning, so I'm going to have coffee with my brother-in-law now before he heads out to meet up with friends. (Then I'll sit down to my needlework stand to see how much I can accomplish.) More tomorrow. 


  1. Goodness, I don't think I truly noticed or considered how small these little works of art are before now. I can't imagine working in such detail on that scale, especially with all those beads and metallic fibers. My eyeballs would go on strike! Not to mention, my fingers would probably put up a mighty protest, too. How are your hands holding up? It looks like you're off to good start!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Yes, indeed, it is tiny work. I'm glad I've upscaled it a bit. It's 2.25" long. The check purls come in strands, which have to be cut with scissors I only use for goldwork (cutting the metals will ruin scissors meant for threads), and then attached like beads. Perhaps I'll do a little video some time to show you what they look like. It's really fun and relaxing (unless I mess something up). lol My hands are doing well, but my knee protests if I sit too long. I have to remind myself to get up and walk around.Tylenol helps, too. Thanks for asking, hon!

  2. It's going to be beautiful!

  3. Looking great so far! I can't imagine working all the little details but I'm sure you have a plan.

    1. Thanks, MA:
      Please let me know what you think of the face on my next post. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.

  4. Belle will be overjoyed! What a beautiful start. - Kathy

  5. Another gem in the works. Belle is going to love this.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I'm trying to be meticulous with it, but I can see a few pitfalls already. I usually work them out in my sleep. I hope she loves what I create.


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Blessings, Donna