July 8, 2023

Happy At Home…

Yesterday, as I sat drinking morning coffee with my little sister, she gave this gift to me. Isn't it beautiful? It's a Mason Cash tray made in England. You may remember that one of my dear blog friends gifted me with a woodland scene (owls) mixing bowl last year, and this piece coordinates with it!

Right now, my biggest decision is whether or not to keep it in my studio or in the kitchen. Of course, I'll see it daily whether it's in one place or the other. 

Another thing that immediately occurred to me is that this design would make a beautiful piece of needlework, wouldn't it? 

I have a list of tasks to accomplish today, but just had to take a moment to share my latest lovely piece - a gift of heart from my dear sister. Thank, JJ. xoxo


  1. Sherry of createology: This tray is lovely. Your sister is very special to gift this to you because YOU are very special!

  2. It's beautiful!
    And how nice of your sister.

  3. I love the simple, clean beauty of it and agree that it would make beautiful needlework!


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Blessings, Donna