July 20, 2023

Sound of Freedom...

We worked together in the garden yesterday morning and got a lot accomplished (again). I planted our new stock tank with delicata and white scallop squash. Then we filled a couple potato bags with Honeynut and straight neck squash varieties. Last of all, I planted more carrot seeds in the newly vacated radish patch. Everything got watered in, and then watered again late day.

After we finished outdoors, we got much-needed showers and went to the theater for a matinee showing of "Sound of Freedom". In case you haven't heard of this movie, it stars Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard. It's based on a true story of a Homeland Security operative who went in search of two missing children, and ended up saving many more than that. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I won't say too much.

I will say, the movie was an eye opener for anyone who is unaware that over 2 million children are abducted worldwide every year. When the movie was over, I had tears in my eyes, but was so glad we'd gone to see it.

This movie was originally created for Disney who then sat on it for five years. Why? It was released the beginning of this month by Angel Studios. They had a small budget, but were all committed to telling this story to raise awareness that this epidemic even exists. I highly recommend you find a theater that's screening it and get your tickets.

HERE is the website where you can type in your zip code a find the nearest theater, dates and show times. The studio goal was to sell two million tickets to represent the 2 million abducted and used children. To date, nearly 9 million people have seen it. Oh, and if discretionary dollars are an issue for you, there's a link where you can procure free movie tickets to the theater closest to you. There's also a link where you can pay it forward and purchase tickets for those who can't afford them. Of course, you can also purchase tickets for yourself to attend a showing.

Sorry if this is a downer post today, but having seen the movie, I felt a call to share this with everyone. I do hope you'll consider seeing it, because the more people who become aware, that sooner we can all get involved to stop it. One way each of us can get involved is by going to see the movie. Another is to spread the word about the movie. Seeing the movie will share important information that is sometimes difficult for us to articulate. 

Something has to be done to stop the trafficking of the world's children. As Caviezel/Ballard said in the film..."God's children are not for sale". Amen to that.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic movie.
    Yes, we don't realize it's happening in our own backyards.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful movie that's quite important at the same time. It's the first time I've heard of it, but I was aware of the children trafficking. Certainly makes you want to hold our grandkids really close.

  3. Thank you for sharing this today! Unfortunately, many people want to keep their heads in the sand and try to deny that this atrocity is happening not only "around the world", but, in our. very. own. country. Children are so very precious, and we must protect them from the hideous things taking place in our world today!! I feel like this is truly not the world I grew up in... sigh.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful movie.
    There are days that I just can not believe the things that go on in this world.


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Blessings, Donna