July 24, 2023

A Little Photo Shoot...

Over ten years ago, I made this wedding gown for my eldest niece, Jennifer. We nicknamed it the "Princess Bride Gown". 
We lived half a country apart during the process, so before I cut into the expensive fabrics, I made a beautiful cotton version of the gown to be sure the measurements would be right for her. Once the "muslin" (a tailor's term) was complete, she flew to Florida for a fitting and necessary adjustments were made. I then created her wedding gown from those alterations. (I made the bridesmaids' dresses, too.)
The main body of this gown is the muslin I created for Jen's dress. I've since added different sleeves, to resemble a "bar wench" look that I thought might be suitable should someone want it for a Renaissance Fair, but it would also be a pretty bridal gown for a less formal wedding. The overskirt is hemmed, but the underskirt is not. It should be shortened and hemmed at an appropriate length for the person who would wear it.

I was so happy when I knew Jenni was coming to visit, because I couldn't think of a better model for the dress I originally made for her.

I'm going to offer it on Facebook Marketplace, but will also list it today in my Etsy shop to find a buyer for it. No sense in me keeping it anymore, so I'm hoping it will be just the piece someone has been searching for. 


  1. It's a beautiful dress.

  2. It's gorgeous on a gorgeous model. I simply cannot imagine making a wedding dress AND bridesmaid's dresses too. You are a wonder!!

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks so much. The story that goes with that is a heart stopper. Handsome had an emergecy while on Nantucket visiting his brother. He took a flight for life to Boston; emergency surgery with me in Florida; I flew up to his then three week stay; and when he came home, I had to nurse him back to health while completing the gowns. Thankfully and gratefully, he healed so well we were able to drive the gowns to the wedding in Minnesota and dance together at Jen's wedding reception. I'm beyond grateful that God healed my husband and that he's still with me. (I'm sure if you do a search ---> on "Wedding" "niece") all the story will show up in my posts from that time. I was a wreck.

  3. Both dress and model are beautiful. Your creativity, which is never ending, just amazes me.
    And here we are with the start of a new week once again.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thank you, my dear. I can't believe how fast the days pass. It's a little mind boggling, honestly.


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Blessings, Donna