July 26, 2023

Shop Sale...

As you've seen, I've been pretty busy with loved ones these past few days. I've had no time for my needlework, or much more than attention to Handsome and the dogs, garden weeding, and lunch with my dear girlfriend, Deb yesterday. I'm getting back to studio tasks today, but wanted to let you know I've managed to do some new listings - and some nice markdowns for current listings. Perhaps there's something you had your eye on previously?

My plan is to add new items to my shop in the coming months. I'm going to offer new Brynwood patterns in PDF form, and perhaps add some "oldies but goodies" from my counted thread designing days. I'm going to set aside time every day for pattern writing, photographing project steps, and proofreading. I'm also working on new stock that you haven't seen before, and want to have a new line out by fall.
I have a show on September 30th in West Bend at the VFW Hall, and I'll show again at the Kewaskum Show in November. Most of the items in my booth for those shows with be my cork handbags, totes and wallets.

I'll be setting aside stitching time, too. You know I go a little dingy when I can put needle and thread to fabric. I haven't even started my acorn brooch yet, and ideas a swimming around in my head. I'm anxious to get that project under way.

So, if you have time, please check out my Etsy shop. I'll continue to mark down more of the inventory there, so if you visit every few days, you may find something you've been looking at has been marked down since you last looked.

You know where I'm heading now... a cuppa and then the studio. See you tomorrow.


  1. So pretty.
    I get dingy too when I cant stitch!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks, dear. Hope you get some needle time in, too!

  2. Sounds like you're going to be busy over the next while getting ready for the shows. Appears that I'm going to be doing at least two trunk shows showing my landscapes so I have to get busy writing what I want to say about them. Public speaking is SO not my 'thing'!!!

    1. Hi MA:
      It's really hot outside right now, so I'm not anxious to turn on my sewing machines. I will be cutting out fabric for wallets soon, though. Oh how I wish I could be in the audience for your trunk shows! I do love your work. Don't worry about the speaking part. They'll be so enthralled with your pieces that your voice explaining them will be like music. You'll be awesome, dear.

  3. I had to go to the big box store today for paper goods, I also needed batteries. I scoured the selection looking for the ones that said 'Donna Approved', humm none to be found. I'm thinking you have a secret stash??
    Enjoy your studio time.

    1. Hi, Shirley:
      Your comment made me smile today. No secret stash...well, not secret anyway. lol My Apple trackpad just notified me that I need to replace those. I hope you're having a good week, too.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna