May 2, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Any Day Now...


Hi, Everybody!

It was four months ago that these two drove down the driveway to go to Florida. Music, trainin', warm weather and good friends were waitin' for them after a long trip. We said goodbye with happy hearts because we knew Dad was gonna be doin' somethin' he truly loves. It's who he is.

Winter has been long - heck, it snowed again yesterday, but I'm not goin' there today! Mom took great care of Bella, Claudette, Crystal and me, but we know she missed Dad a lot. So, there's gonna be a lot of whoopin' and hollerin' when he comes up the road this week. 

We can see the highway off-ramp from the farmhouse, and once Dad calls Mom to say he's gettin' close, she'll probably take all of us out on the porch to watch for him. It's gonna be a really good day when that happens.

Right now we think that's gonna be Thursday, but Mom told Dad to take his time so he doesn't get stressed or sick. She's gonna have a great dinner planned, and we'll be jumpin' all over them when they get back. I'm gonna ask Mom to take lots of pictures of their homecomin' so we can share it with you next week. For now, we're all walkin' on our tippy toes in anticipation. 

Right now, I've gotta run. We've still got preparations to get done before then. (Mom's bakin' cookies and I love to help!)

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. It will be an exciting, happy day when Dad comes home, won't it Tag?
    Only a few more days to wait.
    Yes, the snow was odd yesterday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can only imagine the pure joy and excitement for being reunited after 4 months! I'm sure you and Bella will want to get in there first with happy, furry greetings, but, try to make room for Mom, too...remember, she's been doing an amazing job taking care of, well, everything, and after all, she loved him first! 😊

  4. I'm sure Mom is helping you count the hours - and the minutes! It will be a happy day when he pulls in the driveway (well, maybe not so much for the kitties, since I suspect they'll be banished to the barn again).

  5. Sherry of createology: Good Morning Tag! I can read the excitement in your post for Dad and Carly to come home. We shall wish them safe travels. You helping Mom bake cookies and get the homestead ready will be very special. Happy Homecoming…

  6. Tag I am sure everybody including Mom will be happy to see Dad. Is she going to share some of those cookies with you?? Hope so - have a great day.

  7. With all that excitement the next few days will go by fast.
    Nothing like having a Corgi for a sous chef when baking cookies.
    Looking forward to your homecoming report next week.
    Safe travels for Dad and his co-pilot Carly.


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Blessings, Donna