May 3, 2023

Today, I Bake…


Last night I made the poolish (starter) for the focaccia I’ll be baking today. Once I have this going, I’ll make my usual farmhouse bread in anticipation of Handsome (and Carly’s) return tomorrow. 

I’m planning to top the focaccia with caramelized onions, fresh herbs and bacon. Because I don’t know what time he’ll be home, this will be part of dinner as a side for homemade soup. I think he’s going to be a happy guy to return to home cooking, as most of his meals the past four months have been takeout or restaurant food. Wife will take good care of him once he gets back here!

I hope you have a great day planned. It’s time for me to take care of critters, and then put on my baking apron. See you tomorrow!


  1. Sherry of createology: What a Wonderful wife you are!! All your baking sounds so yummy. Safe travels to Handsome and Carly.

  2. I'm sure the smell of baking bread will lure Handsome home. He'll know he is loved.

  3. Takeout and restaurant food, as good as it may be, does get old after a while. Another busy day for you. Oh the bread! Have a great day. Safe travels for Handsome and his co-pilot.

  4. Sounds delicious!


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Blessings, Donna