January 4, 2023

Production Begins Today...

I begin production today for all the luscious items that will be stocked into my booth in February. As it is a quilt show, I'll have many quilty-themed items, along with sewing and wool work designs. These are a few of the fabrics I'll cut into first. 

Upper left is from my friend, Michelle Palmer's fabric lines, fashioned after her incredible artwork. These will become Bryn Clutch Wallets. Upper right are fabrics destined for wool work totes. Lower right are needlework/sewing themed, and of course, lower left are quilt themed fabrics from Kathy Schmitz' line. From my last show poll, many of these fabrics will be turned into sewing organizers to hold supplies. 

I haven't made the tri-fold sewing organizers since living in Florida. I taught classes for that piece at Crazy Quilters in Venice at the time. Now, I'm going to make a bunch of them for my booth. These are all first on my production schedule. Other wallets, handbags, totes, my new Matty Clutch design, and even "bum bags" will also join the list.

I usually make tea in the morning when Handsome is away, so this morning will either be a nice, hot cuppa, or perhaps I'll start the day with toast and a hot chocolate. Either way, I'll be cutting a lot of fabric after that. Update to follow soon.


  1. That bird fabric is gorgeous.
    Have fun starting your projects!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn:
      I'll share photos once I've sewn it!

  2. They are all such wonderful selections! Looking forward to seeing the finished projects!

  3. ooooh such pretty fabrics! I hadn't relized that Michelle Palmer had a line of fabric so definitely will have to check that out. Looking forward to seeing what you make!

    1. Hi MA:
      She does fabric lines from time to time. I've had these for a while. I'm not sure if there's anything current right now. Part of this line is called "Flow Blue". I couldn't find the name for the rest. (Sorry)

    2. If you do a search of "Michelle Palmer" on my blog, you'll see more of the fabrics that I have.

  4. Sherry of createology: Your fabrics always rival an entire shop of fabrics. I love them all. Your creations are always sew professionally sewn. You will be happily busy while Handsome is away.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Believe me, I'm working on that! Hoping to diminish this stock drastically this year. Thank you, dear. I'm doing my best to stay occupied.

  5. What a beautiful fabric selection, I always zero in on anything with birds and creatures.
    I have always loved Michelle Palmer's work.
    Looking forward to seeing your accomplishments, you never disappoint.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I love her fabrics and drawings (I have more than a few!). She's such a talent, and a sweet woman to boot. I'll share more photos soon.
      Happy Weekend!


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Blessings, Donna