January 6, 2023

Happy Birthday, Handsome...

Today is Handsome's Birthday...1500 miles away from celebrating with me. I sent cards to surprise him, but there shall be no gifts until he comes home. I hope he has a fabulous time celebrating with our Florida friends in the nice warm weather. (I'm not being facetious. I'm absolutely serious.)

   Happy Birthday, Husband.


  1. A long distance Happy Birthday to Handsome!

  2. Wishing Handsome a Happy Birthday and a very happy, healthy year ahead.

  3. Happy Birth Day wishes to your Handsome! He'll just have to wait for his gift(s) until he comes home - good things come to those who wait.

  4. Sherry of createology: Happy Birthday to YOU Handsome. Being apart only makes the heart grow fonder. Enjoy your time with friends, music and Carly.


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Blessings, Donna