January 13, 2023

Rolling Into A Jam-Packed Weekend...

Putting words into action this weekend, as I prepare for the show while moving two rooms into one. I'll be taking my tylenol before I get up each morning, so I can stave off the sore muscles I'm sure to have after each day. Either I'll be sore from sitting at my sewing machine(s) for eight hours a day, or from moving things out of the way so bigger things can be moved by my nephew...the strongest man I know.

It's actually a good thing that Handsome is away, as I'm setting things in his room upstairs so they're out of the way as we play Tetris™ with studio and bedroom furniture on Sunday. I'm keeping what I need to reach for my sewing projects handy until then. You've seen photographs of my sewing and fabric studio rooms before now, so I'm just going to spare you the chaos and wait until the move is complete to post new pictures.

I'm up early this morning. With Handsome off the premises, I'm responsible to get the trash out to the driveway for pickup today. I'll take care of the Barn Girls before I come back in and tend to Tag and Bella. They'll get to run around the yard for a while before I bring them in and rest them before they get their breakfast. Then, I'll be able to sit down to my morning cuppa and plan the rest of my day. Things are definitely easier (and better) when Handsome is home. 

I'll be back tomorrow to share anything I manage to create today. Otherwise, in the spirit of keeping it real, and tell you all about my day today and how my plans were dropped into a cocked hat. Wish me luck!


  1. I hope everything goes well.
    Please be careful.
    I'm glad you have someone to help you.
    Handsome will be coming back to a new home!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn:
      Hope to have photos on Monday. It won't be new, but it will sure be different! wink

  2. Oh yes, Tylenol is my friend also, along with my Tommie Copper Women's comfort back brace, those two are the perfect combination when I'm on my feet a lot and lifting things I shouldn't. You sure have a very full agenda, it will be Monday before you know it.
    Tuesday I left Tag a message letting him know how handsome he is.
    Have a wonderful, productive weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I do have a back brace that I'll wear for extra protection when bending and twisting. I'm going to keep the lifting to not-too-heavy, and minimal. I'll have Tag check your message!
      Thanks for your kind words, dear.

  3. Definitely wishing you luck! But - remember (oh, never mind - you know what I'm going to say!!).

    1. Hi MA:
      No worries. Your words are part of my inner voice "committee" these days.

  4. Sherry of createology: I am wishing you stamina for all your plans of sewing and moving things around. You have already had a full day before I am even out of bed. Gracious me!

    1. Thank you, dear Sherry. I'm sure I'll sleep well Sunday night. I'll be careful, too.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna