January 19, 2023


The next time you receive something in the mail from me, it's likely to have my BW brand on it. Yesterday I received my order for branded bubble envelopes and paper packaging tape. I love how they turned out! 

My sister turned me on to Sticker Mule, and I took advantage of their wonderful (deep) discount offerings. Once you sign up for emails, they send offers to your inbox with prices that are hard impossible to resist. My first order was for stickers featuring my strawberry design, and this was my second order. The best thing is that you don't have to have a business to take advantage of their products. 
They produce labels, stickers, packaging, magnets, t-shirts and more, so you could use them for return address labels, family reunion t-shirts and things of that nature. They also include a bottle of their signature Mule Sauce with every order. I haven't opened the bottle yet, but I plan to soon.

If you'd like to check them out, HERE is a link to get a $10 discount on your first order. Full disclosure, I'll also get a $10 credit toward my next order if you use my link. If you see something you like, I'd be so grateful if you used it.

I can hardly wait to package up my next order! I set up a little shipping station on my big Ikea cutting table with all the drawers. It was so heavy and big that I've left that in the former sewing studio. I'm looking forward to trying that mule sauce, too!

I'm back in the studio today. I cut out a lot of Kirby Crossbody Bags yesterday and will sew them together today. It started snowing last night, and is forecast to continue throughout the rest of the day. It will be a perfect day to stay indoors.


  1. Your packaging is awesome!
    Looks like you are all set now.
    Let us know how the mule sauce is. What do you use it on?

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I sure am! I'm anxious to try the mule sauce, too. I'm going to try it on tacos first, I think. Maybe on BBQ? I'll let you know.

  2. I can think of all sorts of scenarios (none of them good!) where you might use mule sauce.
    Your packaging looks great!

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm laughing out loud. I'm not quite sure yet either. lol

  3. Sherry of createology: I love your new Branded packaging supplies. You always have the most professional look in your labeling and packaging. Happy Snowy Sewing today dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I really like how they turned out and can't wait to use them. Thanks so much, dear.
      Snow stopped. Temps dropped. ugh. Just like that, we're back in winter.

  4. I love the packaging, looks so professional and shows how you have so much attention to detail.
    We have rain here in the Northeast, we have had an occasional dusting of snow but nothing like what we are used to, which is fine with me.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks, dear. I don't mind that this winter has been milder. My Mum says it reminds her of British winters.


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Blessings, Donna