January 21, 2023

I Can Explain...

Needlework of Chloe Giordano

"When my body speaks, I listen."
I had a really great day yesterday, but alas, there was no sewing after my trip to get my hair cut. I had a productive morning, took my shower and got to my appointment with time to spare. My visit with Wendi was great (It always is.), and after, I ran a couple of errands as long as I was out.
When I got home, I aired the dogs, made a cup of tea and then sat down in my chair to enjoy my cuppa. I finished it and promptly dozed off in the chair. When I woke up it was well after six, so I fed the dogs and barn cats, made dinner and took the rest of the evening off.
I'll be making up for my sloth today. I've been invited out to dinner for our dear neighbors' early anniversary celebration, so I'll stop early. We'll see if I'm still on a roll when I get home. I may go back to the studio. I may not. Either way, I'll share the finished bags with you on Monday - with apologies for being a slacker. 
I hope you have a restful and wonderful weekend. I'll see you again tomorrow with my Sunday Scripture.


  1. Sherry of createology: It is always best to listen to your body. You are definitely NOT a slacker!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks. As I said to MA, I needed to hear that. My mind says, "Show's on Feb. 11th. Better get to it." My body? Not so much. I was in the studio today, but just to do a few minor things. I made an apple pie for Andy and Shelly because she can't, and I wanted to treat them.

  2. Great words from a great philosopher, "when my body speaks, I listen." As we all should.
    Slacker is definitely not in your vocabulary, you must have overheard someone speaking about
    something else.
    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks so much for your kind words...and making me smile. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  3. So glad you could take a rest - your body spoke and you had no choice but to listen! I would say that is was a very well earned break!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thank you. I really did need the break. I spent some of the time going over my production list to see how I can adjust it to reality and what I can accomplish without killing myself. Then I took another nap. wink

  4. Maybe your body's way of telling you that you did a little too much moving furniture.
    But I'm glad you got some rest.
    There's always tomorrow to get things done.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I was really careful during all the moving. I tend to sleep when I'm stressed. It's not so much the working in the studio, but having to stop to make sure the dogs aren't neglected has me running back and forth. I know I'll meet all my deadlines, but sometimes my head just starts swimming. I miss Handsome in more ways than one these days. It will get better. I just have to soldier through. Thanks for your thoughts and concern.


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Blessings, Donna