January 7, 2023

2023 Word of the Year...

While I admit I'm still decluttering in keeping with my word for 2022, it's time to unveil a new word for 2023.

This year I've chosen "BUILD" as my mantra for the next twelve months. Build my business. Build my inventory. Build my website. Build my relationships. Build my health. This word represents so much positivity for me, and I know my goals are achievable.

Do you choose a word each year? Do you make resolutions? Are they achievable? Do you get pumped thinking about what you can do each day to reach your goal(s)?

My youngest sister, Jan has a group (Treasure Trove of Gratitude) on Facebook that focuses on just these things. If you're interested, you could click HERE to join in to be inspired. (Let her know you heard about her group from me, please.) I find that spending time with like-minded folks always gives me an extra boost.

Speaking of goals, I set up a plan for the next few weeks to build my inventory for the February show. I've listed the items I want to have in stock, as well as the quantities I'll need. Now I have something visible to help me track my stock.

You know where I'll be if you're looking for me. I started early, getting the trash to the curb, taking the dogs out and then feeding them. Don't even get me started about Claudette and Crystal. (Another cat showed up in the barn this week. Calgon take me away!

I've had my morning cuppa, so I'm off to get busy. Have a great weekend, dears. I'll be sure to update you with my progress here and in our Facebook group (Brynwood Needleworks). We have 434 members right now. I think we'll have a drawing when we reach 450 members. If you're already a member, I'd love it if you'd invite a friend or two. This year, I'll be teaching some virtual (free) classes there, as well as setting up private group (paid) classes. That's where you'll hear about those things first.


  1. Your plan sounds great.
    I don't make resolutions, I used to, but, always failed. :(
    I just fly by the seat of my pants!
    I hope you all are doing well.

  2. You are going to be so busy. And ~~ about the new cat! They must know a kind person’s house. Bonnie

  3. Resolutions are not something I've ever done because I know myself well enough to realize that I'd fall off the cliff within a week or two. I'd like to think I would be successful with them though. I don't do a 'word' for the year either - tried that once and (well, read the previous comment about falling and cliffs). Speaking of yearly words - one of the links I did on my blog recently led to a person who is doing a word of the month instead of the year.

  4. Sherry of createology: I do have a word each year. I let the word select me and then I mull it over for a few days. I do not make resolutions however I do have goals in mind. I really like your word as it has lots of possibilities. You are always so organized and you accomplish so much dear. My it didn’t take long for word to travel to homeless kitty. Claudette, Crystal and Calgon! LOL

  5. I'm more of a list maker. Decluttering for me is an ongoing never ending effort, but still a good one. I don't do a word of the year but last year's 'declutter' and this year's 'build' are really good ones. And thank you for mentioning Jan's Facebook group.


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Blessings, Donna