January 16, 2023

Whoa, Nellie...

Seven hours of working with my nephew and the bedroom and fabric room are reversed. I'll move the sewing machines into the "work room" later today, after I make a quick trip to town in search of a large piece of commercial carpet (tight weave and short nap) to protect the floor.
Once I get back, I'll tackle this "overflow" area and put things back in order. Tag will be visiting with you tomorrow, and I'll show you the results of our hard work on Wednesday. It sure looks different around here! For now, I'm off to get this move finished. See you in a couple days!


  1. Can't wait to see the results!

  2. Oh my word - that's going to take awhile! Hope you're successful in finding the carpet you need.

  3. Oh the treasures in that pile! Looking forward to the results.

  4. Rather you than me with all that moving but I'm sure it will be great once all done and tidied away. Gotta love that feeling of gratification once a big job is complete.

  5. Sherry of createology: It always looks so much worse before the finish. Looking forward to the reveal dear.


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Blessings, Donna